Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of RadiationDriving

02/22/17 13:44:18 (8 years ago)
Zhuo Chen


  • RadiationDriving

    v13 v14  
    1313$\frac{\partial E}{\partial t}+\nabla\cdot\left[\left(E+P\right)\mathbf{u}\right]=\mathbf{f}_{rad}\cdot\mathbf{u}$
    15 We average the radiation flux over the azimutal angle ($2\pi$) and divide the polar angle ($\pi$) into n small subdivision. The default is $n=30$ and you can change it in physics/physics_declarations.f90 DustSublimationRadius=30. The radiation will be aborsbed by the gas and dust by opacity. In our paper, opacity can be a function of distance to the luminous object. You can checkout source/radforce.f90 Kappa_try(pos).
     15Basically, this 2D ray tracing is a part of 2D sampling diagram function which already exist in AstroBEAR. We use CreatePDF() subroutine to create a 2D empty table (please see processings/pdfs.f90). The 2D table will associate two variables, say x,y and give a function of f(x,y). In 2D ray tracing algorithm, x is the polar angle theta, and y is the distance to the luminous object, f will be the flux intensity. We average the radiation flux over the azimutal angle ($2\pi$) and divide the polar angle ($\pi$) into n small subdivision (call it column afterwards). The default is $n=30$ and you can change it in physics/physics_declarations.f90 DustSublimationRadius=30. Each column should be further divided into m to carry out the ray tracing algorithm. You need to add this number m in your problem module.
     17The radiation will be aborsbed by the gas and dust by opacity. In our paper, opacity can be a function of distance to the luminous object. You can checkout source/radforce.f90 Kappa_try(pos).
    1719$\frac{d I}{d x}=-\kappa I$