
Version 14 (modified by Zhuo Chen, 8 years ago) ( diff )

Radiation Forcing

AstroBEAR now (2016) can calculate radiative transfer from single luminous object. Radiative transfer in AstroBEAR is first used in this research.

Mass Transfer and Disk Formation in AGB Binary Systems

We apply 2D ray tracing algorithm in radiative transfer calculation. Radiation will transfer momentum (exert radiation force on fluid). However, we do not consider radiation energy transfer. Therefore, we are solving the following equation.

Basically, this 2D ray tracing is a part of 2D sampling diagram function which already exist in AstroBEAR. We use CreatePDF() subroutine to create a 2D empty table (please see processings/pdfs.f90). The 2D table will associate two variables, say x,y and give a function of f(x,y). In 2D ray tracing algorithm, x is the polar angle theta, and y is the distance to the luminous object, f will be the flux intensity. We average the radiation flux over the azimutal angle () and divide the polar angle () into n small subdivision (call it column afterwards). The default is and you can change it in physics/physics_declarations.f90 DustSublimationRadius=30. Each column should be further divided into m to carry out the ray tracing algorithm. You need to add this number m in your problem module.

The radiation will be aborsbed by the gas and dust by opacity. In our paper, opacity can be a function of distance to the luminous object. You can checkout source/radforce.f90 Kappa_try(pos).


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