
Version 4 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )

SUBROUTINE ReadFromChomboFile(INTEGER nFrame)

Click here to view the Revision 178 source.

Retrieves the data:datatype=0 dataset from the Chombo HDF file indeicated by nFrame and stores it in the current Forest structure. The data is read in level by level and stored in the q arrays of the NodeInfo structures on each level. If the current problem uses MHD, then it reads the MHD_Data dataset into the NodeInfo%aux arrays as well.

ReadChomboFile() reads a file in the out/ directory following the naming convention chomboddddd.hdf, where ddddd is nFrame formatted out to five decimal places (i.e., nFrame = 3 would give us chombo00003.hdf). Note that his function assumes that the current Forest structure in memory identical to the structure that produced out/chomboddddd.hdf, but does not check.





  • mpi_exec.f90 supplies parameter-copying routines for parallel processor mode.
  • HDF5 supplies HDF5 API.
  • nodeinfodef.f90 supplies the NodeInfo data structure and some functions that operate on it.
  • treeops.f90 supplies the Node and Forest structures and accompanying methods, as well as the ApplyOn_ functions.
  • problem.f90 Supplies the problem setup data. This file exists in bearclaw/lib, but is superseded by bearclaw/contrib/astro/problem.f90.
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