| 101 | '''Input''' |
| 102 | |
| 103 | 1. ''Filename'': The path used to reach your ASCII file is input here. |
| 104 | 2. ''dNum'': Keep this as the default ({{{1E4}}}). |
| 105 | 3. ''Format'': As seen in '''Figure 4''' the default is {{{px,py,pz,n,vx,vy,vz,T,P}}}. These are all the variable columns you may input to shape: position, density, velocity, temperature, and pressure. However in this case we are simply going to use the position, velocity coordinates, and density. Therefore the format will be {{{px,py,pz,vx,vy,vz,n}}}. |
| 106 | 4. ''Comment'': How comments are denoted in your ASCII file. Keep the default of {{{#}}}. |
| 107 | 5. ''n'': Keep this as the default ({{{1}}}). |
| 108 | 6. ''Lines per entry'': How many rows are in your ASCII file? Open the file in whatever text editor your prefer, and get the number for the last line. In this example there were 6284 rows, or lines per entry. |
| 109 | |
| 110 | '''Column Separator''' |
| 111 | |
| 112 | How is your file delimited? Typically when you input the ''filename'' Shape will adjust the column separator automatically. However check that it is correct. |
| 113 | |
| 114 | '''Center''' |
| 115 | |
| 116 | For the {{{x,y,z}}} inputs, enter the averages from your Excel file for the position coordinates. If you click to ''detect'' ''extents'' after entering the averages, they should be {{{0,0,0}}}. |
| 117 | |
| 118 | '''Preview''' |
| 119 | |
| 120 | Allows you to preview your data file. |