Changes between Version 35 and Version 36 of Shape/ExternalData

07/13/15 13:27:05 (10 years ago)


  • Shape/ExternalData

    v35 v36  
    154154'''Image 8.''' Screen capture of the default physics module. Note the red circle, indicating where to create a new species.
    156 Click the ''Add'' button at the top of the ''Physics Module''. After doing this, you will be prompted to add a certain type of species. There are many options ({{{Quick, Custom, Atomic, Molecule, Dust, Scale, Multiple, Plasma, Black Body}}}), however here we will choose ''Custom.''
     1561. Click the ''Add'' button at the top of the ''Physics Module''.
     1572. After doing this, you will be prompted to add a certain type of species. There are many options ({{{Quick, Custom, Atomic, Molecule, Dust, Scale, Multiple, Plasma, Black Body}}}), however here we will choose ''Custom.''
    158159[[Image(Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 13.24.45.png)]] [[br]]
    159160'''Image 9.''' Prompt for adding a species. Here we have selected a ''Custom'' species.
    161 Once you have clicked ''Ok'' the ''Physics Module'' will now give you the option to edit a ''Custom'' species. The module will look similar to what is presented in '''Image 10''' (sans red text, of course).
     1623. Once you have clicked ''Ok'' the ''Physics Module'' will now give you the option to edit a ''Custom'' species. The module will look similar to what is presented in '''Image 10''' (sans red text, of course).
    163164[[Image(Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 13.25.03.png, width=800)]] [[br]]
    164165'''Image 11.''' The ''Physics Module'' after creating a new ''Custom'' species. Note the only user change here is the ''Name'' of the species, which is "Line."
    166 Now that you have created a new ''Custom'' species we need to edit it. Here the ''Name'' of the species has been changed to "Line." However one may choose whatever name they prefer. The same name is used in the youtube tutorial provided above. Note that once you choose a ''Custom'' species, the main view in the ''Physics Module'' may still be that of the ''Default''. Simply switch from ''Default'' to ''Custom'' in the left-hand ''Species'' list by clicking the ''Custom'' option you have made.
    168 In this tutorial we will simply keep the default options illustrated in '''Image 11.''' Here the ''Emission'' contribution is sufficient. Now we go on to edit the ''Emission Coefficient,'' which is indicated in '''Image 11'''. Click the ''Edit'' button. Also note that if you scroll down the main options page in Shape for your new ''Custom'' species, you'll see that we have {{{n}}}, or ''Density'', as our variable mapping.
     167Now that you have created a new ''Custom'' species we need to edit it.
     1694. Here the ''Name'' of the species has been changed to "Line." However one may choose whatever name they prefer. The same name is used in the youtube tutorial provided above.
     1705. Note that once you choose a ''Custom'' species, the main view in the ''Physics Module'' may still be that of the ''Default''. Simply switch from ''Default'' to ''Custom'' in the left-hand ''Species'' list by clicking the ''Custom'' option you have made.
     172In this tutorial we will simply keep the default options illustrated in '''Image 11.''' Here the ''Emission'' contribution is sufficient. Now we go on to edit the ''Emission Coefficient,'' which is indicated in '''Image 11'''.
     1746. Click the ''Edit'' button.
     1757. Also note that if you scroll down the main options page in Shape for your new ''Custom'' species, you'll see that we have {{{n}}}, or ''Density'', as our variable mapping.
     1768. Recall that our format string for our imported data is in terms of the columns with headers {{{px,py,pz,vx,vy,vz,n}}}.
    170178|| [[Image(Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 13.25.24.png, width=350)]] || [[Image(Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 13.26.17.png, width=350)]] || [[Image(Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 13.26.28.png, width=350)]] || [[br]]
    179 We do not want to use this analytic function. So as illustrated in '''Image 12''', click the ''Templates'' option and choose ''Gaussian''. There are the options of ({{{Planck (m), Gaussian, Lorentzian, Wein}}}). After clicking ''Apply'', you will notice that the analytic function, shown under ''Functions'' has changed to:
     187We do not want to use this analytic function.
     1899. So as illustrated in '''Image 12''', click the ''Templates'' option and choose ''Gaussian''. There are the options of ({{{Planck (m), Gaussian, Lorentzian, Wein}}}).
     19010. After clicking ''Apply'', you will notice that the analytic function, shown under ''Functions'' has changed to:
    181192{{{[Analytic] 1.0/(sqrt(2*pi) * c) * e^(-(x-b)^2/(2*c^2))}}}
    184 Notice that this equation does not involve our variable mapping term, {{{n}}, or Density. As illustrated in '''Image 13''' click back to the ''Function'' property, and delete the coefficient on our Gaussian function, {{{ 1.0/(sqrt(2*pi) * c) }}} and replace it with {{{n}}}. Then hit enter in the white box, so that it shows up under your ''Functions''.
     19511. Notice that this equation does not involve our variable mapping term, {{{n}}, otherwise known as density. As illustrated in '''Image 13''' click back to the ''Function'' property, and delete the coefficient on our Gaussian function, {{{ 1.0/(sqrt(2*pi) * c) }}} and replace it with {{{n}}}.
     19612. Then hit enter in the white box, so that it shows up under your ''Functions''.
     19713. Also note that there are other variables in our Gaussian function, namely, {{{x,c,b}}}. Clearly {{{x}}} is the variable of the function, and not a constant, where as {{{c, b}}} are constants. As illustrated in '''Figure 14''' input the following numbers:
     200x = 9.8
     201c = 5.0E-7
     202b = 2.0E-11
     205Leave {{{n}}} alone.
     20714. When you are done with the ''Emission Coefficient'' dialog, simply click the X-out button at the top of the dialog.
     209You are done. Now we can go back to the ''3D Module,'' so proceed to the next section of this tutorial.