Version 2 (modified by 8 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Sink Particles
The ability to form sink particles in AstroBEAR is tied to self-gravity. To simply enable sink particles:
- Look for the
and make sure that it is set to1
. - Set the
flag in
file and set it toT
If you just want your simulation to have the option of forming sink particles, no further action is required. If you want to start your simulation off with sink particles, then you will have to create one in problem.f90::ProblemModuleInit()
NAMELIST /ProblemData/ nParticles NAMELIST /ParticleData/ mass,xloc,vel OPEN(UNIT=PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, FILE='', STATUS="OLD") READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=ProblemData) IF (.NOT. lRestart) THEN DO i=1,nParticles READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=ParticleData) NULLIFY(Particle) CALL CreateParticle(Particle) Particle%mass=mass Particle%xloc=xloc Particle%vel=vel CALL AddSinkParticle(Particle) END DO CLOSE(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE) OPEN(UNIT=PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, FILE='', STATUS="UNKNOWN") WRITE(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=RestartData) CLOSE(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE) END IF
Depending on the features of your simulation, more objects might have to be declared in conjunction with the sink particle. The .NOT. lRestart
conditional is important, as it prevents AstroBEAR from adding the same particle again on a restart.
For more information, see SinkParticlesDevel.