
Version 25 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )

Test Module Assignments

What each test needs

  • A problem directory in contrib/astro/tests
  • A collection of data files to run the problem
  • Some sort of analysis that can be performed as a check against the output. This analysis should be something scriptable (i.e., a series of post-processing jobs). This can be waived for showcase problems with no analytic solutions.

Test Name Tests Tester Name Status
1D Sod shock tube 6 (1 per integration method) Matt
1D oscillatory instability of radiative shocks 2 (1 per source term method)
1D nonlinear heat conduction front 1 Shule Awaiting Checkin
2D wind-step 3 (test static and dynamic decomposition, static and dynamic grid adapt methods) Erica?
2D Kelvin-Helmholtz 1 Erica
2D cloud collapse w/ improper nesting 1 Travis
2D field-loop advection 15 (three fields strengths x 5 divergence checkers) Jonathan Written & checked in; iDivB = 2 failing
2D shocked clump 1 (use eight processors) Erica
2.5D Central gravity w/ cylindrical coordinates 1 Christina
2.5D Sedov problem 1
3D MHD jet 2 (1 MUSCL, 1 sweep) Martin Written & checked in
3D cloud collapse w/ sink particles 2 (1 regular, 1 restart)
3D clumpy jet 1 Kris
2D non-ablative RT 1 Shule Awaiting Checkin
3D MHD turbulence 1 Jonathan
2D improper nesting on n levels of AMR 1 Jonathan
2D perturbations caused by small AMR grids 1 Shule

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