
Version 7 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )

The AstroBEAR Ticketing System

Introduction and Philosophy

The ticketing system provides users and developers a way to communicate issues having to do with all aspects of the AstroBEAR code.

Users and developers are encouraged to submit tickets. If they are not entirely comfortable submitting a ticket, another option is browsing or starting a new topic in the discussion forums.

The remainder of this page is a FAQ for the ticketing system.

Ticketing System FAQ


* NOTE: Actual information coming soon. This a placeholder version. Harmful if swallowed. *

1. How are tickets intended to be used?

Tickets are intended to be used only for good.

2. What kinds of things warrant a ticket?

Things include speeding, passing on the right, and if your computer explodes.

3. What happens when a ticket is submitted?

The little gnomes inside your computer runs over and puts it in the internet's mailbox. It is shunted through various tubes and eventually is dumped in the ocean.

4. What kind of information is nice to include when submitting a ticket?


Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.