Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of TracLinks
- Timestamp:
- 01/07/16 14:37:28 (9 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v7 v8 28 28 Milestones :: `milestone:1.0` 29 29 Attachment :: `attachment:example.tgz` (for current page attachment), `attachment:attachment.1073.diff:ticket:944` (absolute path) 30 Changesets :: `r1`, `[1]`, `changeset:1` or (restricted) `[1/trunk]`, `changeset:1/trunk` 30 Changesets :: `r1`, `[1]`, `changeset:1` or (restricted) `[1/trunk]`, `changeset:1/trunk`, `[1/repository]` 31 31 Revision log :: `r1:3`, `[1:3]` or `log:@1:3`, `log:trunk@1:3`, `[2:5/trunk]` 32 32 Diffs :: `diff:@1:3`, `diff:plugins/0.12/mercurial-plugin@9128:9953`, … … 43 43 Milestones :: milestone:1.0 44 44 Attachment :: attachment:example.tgz (for current page attachment), attachment:attachment.1073.diff:ticket:944 (absolute path) 45 Changesets :: r1, [1], changeset:1 or (restricted) [1/trunk], changeset:1/trunk 45 Changesets :: r1, [1], changeset:1 or (restricted) [1/trunk], changeset:1/trunk, [1/repository] 46 46 Revision log :: r1:3, [1:3] or log:@1:3, log:trunk@1:3, [2:5/trunk] 47 47 Diffs :: diff:@1:3, diff:plugins/0.12/mercurial-plugin@9128:9953, … … 134 134 135 135 In order to link explicitly to a [=#toplevel toplevel] Wiki page, 136 use the `wiki:/` prefix. 137 Be careful **not** to use the `/` prefix alone, as this corresponds to the 138 [#Server-relativelinks] syntax and with such a link you will lack the `/wiki/` 139 part in the resulting URL. 140 141 ''(Changed in 0.11)'' Note that in Trac 0.10, using e.g. `[../newticket]` may have worked for linking to the `/newticket` top-level URL, but since 0.11, such a link will stay in the wiki namespace and therefore link to a sibling page. 142 See [#Server-relativelinks] for the new syntax. 136 use the `wiki:/` prefix. Be careful **not** to use the `/` prefix alone, as this corresponds to the [#Server-relativelinks] syntax and with such a link you will lack the `/wiki/` part in the resulting URL. A link such as `[../newticket]` will stay in the wiki namespace and therefore link to a sibling page. 143 137 144 138 === Link anchors === … … 312 306 - `ticket:1,150` 313 307 314 ''(since Trac 0.11)''315 316 308 === timeline: links === 317 309 318 Links to the timeline can be created by specifying a date in the ISO:8601 format. The date can be optionally followed by a time specification. The time is interpreted as being UTC time, but alternatively you can specify your local time, followed by your timezone if you don't want to compute the UTC time.310 Links to the timeline can be created by specifying a date in the ISO:8601 format. The date can be optionally followed by a time specification. The time is interpreted as being UTC time, but if you don't want to compute the UTC time, you can specify a local time followed by your timezone offset relative to UTC. 319 311 320 312 Examples: … … 323 315 - `timeline:2008-01-29T15:48Z` 324 316 - `timeline:2008-01-29T16:48+01` 325 326 ''(since Trac 0.11)'' 317 - `timeline:2008-01-29T16:48+0100` 318 - `timeline:2008-01-29T16:48+01:00` 327 319 328 320 === wiki: links === … … 339 331 ''aliases:'' `browser:`, `repos:` 340 332 341 The default behavior for a source:/some/path linkis to open the browser in that directory directory333 The default behavior for a `source:/some/path link` is to open the browser in that directory directory 342 334 if the path points to a directory or to show the latest content of the file. 343 335 … … 345 337 - `source:/some/file@123` - link to the file's revision 123 346 338 - `source:/some/file@head` - link explicitly to the latest revision of the file 339 - `source:/some/file@named-branch` - link to latest revision of the specified file in `named-branch` (DVCS such as Git or Mercurial) 347 340 348 341 If the revision is specified, one can even link to a specific line number: 349 342 - `source:/some/file@123#L10` 350 343 - `source:/tag/0.10@head#L10` 344 - `source:/some/file@named-branch#L10` 351 345 352 346 Finally, one can also highlight an arbitrary set of lines: 353 - `source:/some/file@123:10-20,100,103#L99` - highlight lines 10 to 20, and lines 100 and 103 .354 ''(since 0.11)''347 - `source:/some/file@123:10-20,100,103#L99` - highlight lines 10 to 20, and lines 100 and 103, and target line 99 348 - or without version number (the `@` is still needed): `source:/some/file@:10-20,100,103#L99`. Version can be omitted when the path is pointing to a source file that will no longer change (like `source:/tags/...`), otherwise it's better to specify which lines of //which version// of the file you're talking about 355 349 356 350 Note that in presence of multiple repositories, the name of the repository is simply integrated in the path you specify for `source:` (e.g. `source:reponame/trunk/README`). ''(since 0.12)'' … … 362 356 * `export:123:/some/file` - get revision 123 of the specified file 363 357 * `export:/some/file@123` - get revision 123 of the specified file 358 * `export:/some/file@named-branch` - get latest revision of the specified file in `named-branch` (DVCS such as Git or Mercurial). 364 359 365 360 This can be very useful for displaying XML or HTML documentation with correct stylesheets and images, in case that has been checked in into the repository. Note that for this use case, you'd have to allow the web browser to render the content by setting `[browser] render_unsafe_content = yes` (see TracIni#browser-section), otherwise Trac will force the files to be downloaded as attachments for security concerns. … … 375 370 - `log:@20788,20791:20795` - list revision 20788 and the revisions from 20791 to 20795 376 371 - `log:/trunk/tools@20788,20791:20795` - list revision 20788 and the revisions from 20791 to 20795 which affect the given path 372 - `log:/tools@named-branch` - the revisions in `tools` starting from the latest revision in `named-branch` (DVCS such as Git or Mercurial) 377 373 378 374 There are short forms for revision ranges as well: