15 | | where ''mx,my,mz'' are the number of zones in each direction, ''N,,qvars,,'' is the number of variables in the q-array (that is, the state variables of the fluid), and ''N,,auxvars,,'' is the number of "auxillary" variables, that is variables initialized for MHD simulations. The q-array contains the cell-centered quantities, and the aux-array contains face and edge centered quantities. Each cell contains a q-array and (plus an aux-array if in MHD), therefore the total number of cells x the total variables x 8 bytes gives you the total memory you are expected to allocate for the physical domain (not including the ghost cells or any other redundant calculations). We find that the total memory calculated this way is usually off by a factor of 10 from what astrobear actually uses (as given in the standard out, on the global info allocations line). This is likely due to ghost cell calculations. '''Therefore for all memory estimates, you should multiply your number by 10 to get a truer estimate.''' |
| 15 | where ''mx,my,mz'' are the number of zones in each direction, ''N,,qvars,,'' is the number of variables in the q-array (that is, the state variables of the fluid), and ''N,,auxvars,,'' is the number of "auxillary" variables, that is variables initialized for MHD simulations. The q-array contains the cell-centered quantities, and the aux-array contains face and edge centered quantities. Each cell contains a q-array (plus an aux-array if in MHD), therefore the total number of cells x the total variables x 8 bytes gives you the total memory you are expected to allocate for the physical domain (not including the ghost cells or any other redundant calculations). We find that the total memory calculated this way is usually off by a factor of 10 from what astrobear actually uses (as given in the standard out, on the global info allocations line). This is likely due to ghost cell calculations. '''Therefore for all memory estimates, you should multiply your number by 10 to get a truer estimate.''' |