37 | | !VisIt is installed as a module on {{{Bluehive}}}. To load the visit module if it is not loaded upon login from your bash profile, give the command {{{module load visit}}} from your terminal when logged into Bluehive's shell cluster. One can access the shell cluster through a GUI such as NX client. For set-up instructions refer to [https://www.rochester.edu/its/web/wiki/crc/images/0/04/CRC_User_Guide.pdf CRC guide]. Once connected to the shell, you can then open !VisIt by typing the word visit into the command line. You can follow the next section below to open your files in visit. Be sure on Bluehive, however, to explicitly select the type of file you are opening, else !VisIt may crash with an error that it is unable to read from the file. |