Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of WikiProcessors
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- 01/07/16 14:37:28 (9 years ago)
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v7 v8 1 = Wiki Processors =1 = Wiki Processors 2 2 3 3 Processors are WikiMacros designed to provide alternative markup formats for the [TracWiki Wiki engine]. Processors can be thought of as ''macro functions to process user-edited text''. 4 4 5 Wiki processors can be used in any Wiki text throughout Trac, 6 for various different purposes, like: 7 - [#CodeHighlightingSupport syntax highlighting] or for rendering text verbatim, 8 - rendering [#HTMLrelated Wiki markup inside a context], 9 like inside <div> blocks or <span> or within <td> or <th> table cells, 10 - using an alternative markup syntax, like [wiki:WikiHtml raw HTML] and 11 [wiki:WikiRestructuredText Restructured Text], 12 or [ textile] 13 14 15 == Using Processors == 16 17 To use a processor on a block of text, first delimit the lines using 18 a Wiki ''code block'': 5 Wiki processors can be used in any Wiki text throughout Trac, such as: 6 - [#CodeHighlightingSupport syntax highlighting] or for rendering text verbatim 7 - rendering [#HTMLrelated Wiki markup inside a context], like inside <div> blocks or <span> or within <td> or <th> table cells 8 - using an alternative markup syntax, like [wiki:WikiHtml raw HTML] and [wiki:WikiRestructuredText Restructured Text] or [ textile] 9 10 == Using Processors 11 12 To use a processor on a block of text, first delimit the lines using a Wiki ''code block'': 19 13 {{{ 20 14 {{{ … … 24 18 }}} 25 19 26 Immediately after the `{{{` or on the line just below, 27 add `#!` followed by the ''processor name''. 20 Immediately after the `{{{` or on the line just below, add `#!` followed by the ''processor name'': 28 21 29 22 {{{ … … 37 30 This is the "shebang" notation, familiar to most UNIX users. 38 31 39 Besides their content, some Wiki processors can also accept ''parameters'', 40 which are then given as `key=value` pairs after the processor name, 41 on the same line. If `value` has to contain space, as it's often the case for 42 the style parameter, a quoted string can be used (`key="value with space"`). 43 44 As some processors are meant to process Wiki markup, it's quite possible to 45 ''nest'' processor blocks. 46 You may want to indent the content of nested blocks for increased clarity, 47 this extra indentation will be ignored when processing the content. 48 49 50 == Examples == 32 Besides their content, some Wiki processors can also accept ''parameters'', which are then given as `key=value` pairs after the processor name and on the same line. If `value` has to contain space, as it's often the case for the style parameter, a quoted string can be used (`key="value with space"`). 33 34 As some processors are meant to process Wiki markup, it's quite possible to ''nest'' processor blocks. 35 You may want to indent the content of nested blocks for increased clarity, this extra indentation will be ignored when processing the content. 36 37 == Examples 51 38 52 39 ||= Wiki Markup =||= Display =|| … … 150 137 }}} 151 138 }}} 152 == Available Processors == 139 140 == Available Processors 153 141 154 142 The following processors are included in the Trac distribution: 155 143 156 144 || '''`#!default`''' || Present the text verbatim in a preformatted text block. This is the same as specifying ''no'' processor name (and no `#!`) || 157 || '''`#!comment`''' || Do not process the text in this section (i.e. contents exist only in the plain text - not in the rendered page). || 158 |||| || 159 ||||= '''HTML related''' =|| 145 || '''`#!comment`''' || Do not process the text in this section, i.e. contents exist only in the plain text - not in the rendered page. || 146 || '''`#!rtl`''' || Introduce a Right-To-Left block with appropriate CSS direction and styling ''(since 0.12.2)'' || 147 |||| || 148 ||||= '''[=#HTMLrelated HTML related]''' =|| 160 149 || '''`#!html`''' || Insert custom HTML in a wiki page. || 161 150 || '''`#!htmlcomment`''' || Insert an HTML comment in a wiki page (''since 0.12''). || … … 165 154 || '''`#!td`''' || Wrap an arbitrary Wiki content inside a <td> element (''since 0.12'') || 166 155 || '''`#!th`''' || Wrap an arbitrary Wiki content inside a <th> element (''since 0.12'') || 167 || '''`#!tr`''' || Can optionally be used for wrapping `#!td` and `#!th` blocks, either for specifying row attributes of better visual grouping (''since 0.12'') || 156 || '''`#!tr`''' || Can optionally be used for wrapping `#!td` and `#!th` blocks, either for specifying row attributes or better visual grouping (''since 0.12'') || 157 || '''`#!table`''' || Can optionally be used for wrapping `#!tr`, `#!td` and `#!th` blocks, for specifying table attributes. One current limitation however is that tables cannot be nested. (''since 0.12'') || 168 158 || || See WikiHtml for example usage and more details about these processors. || 169 159 |||| || … … 172 162 || '''`#!textile`''' || Supported if [ Textile] is installed. See [ a Textile reference]. || 173 163 |||| || 174 ||||= ''' Code Highlighting Support''' =||164 ||||= '''[=#CodeHighlightingSupport Code Highlighting Support]''' =|| 175 165 || '''`#!c`''' [[BR]] '''`#!cpp`''' (C++) [[BR]] '''`#!python`''' [[BR]] '''`#!perl`''' [[BR]] '''`#!ruby`''' [[BR]] '''`#!php`''' [[BR]] '''`#!asp`''' [[BR]] '''`#!java`''' [[BR]] '''`#!js`''' (Javascript) [[BR]] '''`#!sql`''' [[BR]] '''`#!xml`''' (XML or HTML) [[BR]] '''`#!sh`''' (!Bourne/Bash shell) [[BR]] '''etc.''' [[BR]] || Trac includes processors to provide inline syntax highlighting for source code in various languages. [[BR]] [[BR]] Trac relies on external software packages for syntax coloring, like [ Pygments]. [[BR]] [[BR]] See TracSyntaxColoring for information about which languages are supported and how to enable support for more languages. || 176 166 |||| || … … 243 233 }}} 244 234 245 For more processor macros developed and/or contributed by users, visit: 246 * [trac:ProcessorBazaar] 247 * [trac:MacroBazaar] 248 * [ Trac Hacks] community site 249 250 Developing processors is no different from Wiki macros. 251 In fact they work the same way, only the usage syntax differs. 252 See WikiMacros#DevelopingCustomMacros for more information. 253 235 For more processor macros developed and/or contributed by users, visit the [ Trac Hacks] community site. 236 237 Developing processors is no different from Wiki macros. In fact, they work the same way, only the usage syntax differs. See WikiMacros#DevelopingCustomMacros for more information. 254 238 255 239 ----