Version 4 (modified by 12 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Description as of 10/28/08:
The clumps.shockedclump problem module is intended for 2 or 2.5D simulations of a clump being overrun by a shock. In 2.5D it is assumed the x-axis is the axis of symmetry. The clump may be round or square, and it may have nonzero x-velocity.
The shock may be planar, spherical, or a Sedov blast wave. The shock may also be chosen to be stationary, resulting in a nonzero ambient velocity. Cooling may be present.
The problem module reads in data from the file to determine what to set up. The data files in this directory set up a spherical clump in 2.5D with 24 cells per clump radius. Cooling is turned on, and AMR is turned off due to the small problem size. The problem should take 20 minutes to run on 8 processors on nova.
System: | hydro |
Dimension: | 2D, 2.5D |
Sources: | cooling, cylindrical |
Linsolve: | no |
Parallel: | yes |
Aux fields: | no |
Code revision: | 342 |
Additional Information
This module was used in the convergence study with strong cooling, from 6 to 1536 cells per clump radius. For that study, the following were the resolutions used:
Run | Effective | Achieved | Number of |
(cells per rc) | Resolution | Via | Processors |
6 | 48 x 12 | 48 x 12 + 0 | 1 |
12 | 96 x 24 | 96 x 24 + 0 | 1 |
24 | 192 x 48 | 192 x 48 + 0 | 4 |
48 | 384 x 96 | 384 x 96 + 0 | 8 |
96 | 768 x 192 | 384 x 96 + 1 | 16 |
192 | 1536 x 384 | 384 x 96 + 2 | 32 |
384 | 3072 x 768 | 768 x 192 + 2 | 32 |
768 | 6144 x 1536 | 1536 x 384 + 2 | 64 |
1536 | 12288 x 3072 | 3072 x 768 + 2 | 64 |
Modules used
NodeInfoDef, GlobalDeclarations
- InitializeClumps — Read in and set up various numbers.
- PlaceClumps — Place the clump and shock.
- b4stepClumps — Reapply shock conditions, if typeShock==2.
- CalcComp — See CalcComp's description.
See CalcComp's description.