Version 7 (modified by 12 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
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PURE SUBROUTINE nparticle (nvec, npart, nneuc, ne)
Defined in
- nvec - the number density vector; contains number density of each species tracked
- Intent(Out), Optional:
- npart - total particle number density, including electrons
- nneuc - number density of nuclei (molecular, neutral, and ionized)
- ne - number density of electrons
- Calculates npart, nneuc, and ne based on the values in nvec
- Calculates nneucin (temporary storage for nneuc) twice, so it seems to add in number density of H2 twice…?
- If optional variables are present, assign their temporary values (nneucin, npartin, nein) to them
Called in
- contrib/astro/physics/cool/cool.f90, in functions get_gamma and get_mu
- contrib/astro/physics/cool/i_evolove.f90, in subroutine Cool_Derivatives
Functions Used
- none
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