Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of u/BonnorEbertMatched2

10/17/12 15:38:57 (12 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/BonnorEbertMatched2

    v30 v31  
    7575=== Ram Pressure ===
    77 The ram pressure in the light ambient case does not build up outside of the sphere at all, which is in accordance with the above statement that the material in the ambient, while moving inward, is carrying no momentum. Inside the ram pressure is fluctuating in a manner that coincides with the radial velocity and density plots in this region. At all times, the ram pressure is well below the critical value.
     77The ram pressure in the light ambient case does not build up outside of the sphere at all, which is in accordance with the material in the ambient carrying little momentum given its small densities. Inside, the ram pressure is fluctuating in a manner that coincides with the radial velocity and density plots in this region. At all times, the ram pressure is well below the critical value.
    7979In the matched ambient case, however, Pram>Pcrit only after t~2.3 myrs. By t =3 myrs, the Pram profile has taken on a very unique "cowboy-hat" appearance. Another look at the radial velocity plots and the density plots show that this is due to the high increase in density inside of the sphere by t=3myrs with small concomitant radial velocities, while outside of the sphere there are small density buildups coinciding with a large negative vrad, which when squared for Pram gives a large Pram outside as well.