17 | | Note the line marking 'dx' denotes the size of the smallest cells in the grid, those within the BE sphere's center most regions (dx~0.06). The cells outside a radius of 150% Rbe (radius of BE sphere), however, made up the coarsest level grid (see below movies of the mesh) and had dx~1.62 pc for smaller grid and dx~3 for larger grid. The last time frame of data included in these plots and the movies below is the time before the collapse was no longer resolved adequately with the refinement criteria used. Since the aim of this study was to look at the initialization of the collapse, the refinement used here was sufficient. The time in which the sphere's P(Rbe) > Pcrit was t~0.15 myr, ~ 4% of a crossing time (and how much of the free fall time?). |
| 17 | Note the line marking 'dx' denotes the size of the smallest cells in the grid, those within the BE sphere's center most regions (dx~0.06). The cells outside a radius of 150% Rbe (radius of BE sphere), however, made up the coarsest level grid (see below movies of the mesh) and had dx~1.62 pc for smaller grid and dx~3 pc for larger grid. The last time frame of data included in these plots and the movies below is the time before the collapse was no longer resolved adequately with the refinement criteria used. Since the aim of this study was to look at the initialization of the collapse, the refinement used here was sufficient. The time in which the sphere's P(Rbe) > Pcrit was t~0.15 myr, ~ 4% of a crossing time (and how much of the free fall time?). |