
Version 1 (modified by Erini Lambrides, 12 years ago) ( diff )


The internal structure of a star can be approximated quite simply by the usage of polytropes. As opposed to manipulating the full rigorous solution's of all the equations of stellar structure, one can assume a power law relationship between density and pressure.

A derivation of the Lane-Emden Equation

So our three unknowns in this system are pressure, , density, , and mass as a function of radius, .

We have two obvious equations right from the start that will do a good job with describing a spherical star: mass continuity and hydrostatic equilibrium. The two ordinary, first order differential equations are described as follows:



To be able to solve for our third unknown, we need an additional equation: thus, the power law relationship between pressure and density can be used,


The adiabatic index , the parameter the characterizes the specific heat of a gas, can be redefined in terms of some n that we call the polytropic index. K will be assumed a constant. These three sets of equations can now be combined into a second order Poisson.


In order to make this equation less cumbersome, we will also introduce the following dimensionless variables:


where is the dimensionless polytropic temperature, is a dimensionless radial variable, is the central density, is the central pressure, and is a length constant defined as


Combining this with our polytropic pressure equation, we get a Possion equation in dimensionless variables which is known as the lane emden equation:


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