7 | | |
8 | | ! Make sure problem.data exists. If it does, read in. If not, output error and quit. |
9 | | inquire(file='GodunovProblem.data', exist=ex) |
10 | | if (ex) then |
11 | | OPEN(UNIT=30, FILE='GodunovProblem.data', STATUS="OLD") |
12 | | READ(30,NML=ProblemData) ! read into variables in namelist |
13 | | CLOSE(30) |
14 | | else |
15 | | print *, 'Missing GodunovProblem.data. Exiting.' |
16 | | stop ! exit if missing |
17 | | end if |
| 7 | |
| 8 | ! Make sure problem.data exists. If it does, read in. If not, output error and quit. |
| 9 | inquire(file='GodunovProblem.data', exist=ex) |
| 10 | if (ex) then |
| 11 | OPEN(UNIT=30, FILE='GodunovProblem.data', STATUS="OLD") |
| 12 | READ(30,NML=ProblemData) ! read into variables in namelist |
| 13 | CLOSE(30) |
| 14 | else |
| 15 | print *, 'Missing GodunovProblem.data. Exiting.' |
| 16 | stop ! exit if missing |
| 17 | end if |