
Version 2 (modified by Baowei Liu, 10 years ago) ( diff )

This try is to change the temperature from computational units to Kelvin or solves the energy equation instead of temperature. This note is to check the parameter and equations changes need to do to be consistent comparing the old way of thermal diffusion equation in AstroBEAR since the old way works. This way all the parameters would be same as [ the old way. Only lhs of the equation was replaced by the derivative of the energy getdEdT.

1. Equations and Parameters

Equation solved in Betti's code (SI units and Temperature in Joules)

where is Boltzmann constant and as in Betti's document and is the normal specific heat capacity. And the flux is

To convert this to cgs units we write

That is

Put the equation in c.u., it will be

and the lhs is in c.u. of energy

And the definition of and would be same.


Comparing the definition of and we have

In Betti's data, and so

  1. Scales for converting from cgs to cu ScaleFlux is the scale which converts the heat flux from cgs units to computational units in AstroBEAR. Since

The new scaleFlux is or as the temperature is in Kelvin now. While in the older version where the temperature is in c.u. scale, So scaleFlux is instead…

scaleDiff is the scale that converts the kappa1 from cgs units to computational units. Since So

These scales are defined in physics_control.f90

  1. subroutine getdEdT in EOS.f90

This subroutine will return the value of dE/dT which has a unit as C.U. Energy/Kelvin

  1. source and stencil_fix(0) in diffusion.f90 will be modified as
    source = ((ndiff-1.0)/(ndiff+1.0))*dot_product(T(0:2*nDim),stencil_fixed(0:2*nDim)) - T(0)*GetdEdT(Info%q(i,j,k,:))
    stencil_fixed(0) = stencil_fixed(0) - GetdEdT(Info%q(i,j,k,:)) 

comparing with the old way

!    source = ((ndiff-1.0)/(ndiff+1.0))*dot_product(T(0:2*nDim),stencil_fixed(0:2*nDim)) - T(0)*gamma7*Info%q(i,j,k,1)
!    stencil_fixed(0) = stencil_fixed(0) - gamma7*Info%q(i,j,k,1)

So the lefthand side vector has unit of Kelvin and righthand side vector has unit of

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