10.5.2020 Setup
set up 1
Box: 20x20 mm
radius_wire = 0.2 mm
distance_between_centers = 0.9 mm
MagField_direction = 0, 0, -1
rhoWire = 8.73 g/cc
WindMaterial = 27
rhoWind = 2.86E+17 1/cc
velWind = 6e6 cm/s
BWind = 5e4 Gauss
TempWind = 12 ev or 1.39e5 K
set up 2
Box: 20x20 mm (?)
radius_wire = 0.25 mm
distance_between_centers = 7.5 mm
MagField_direction = 0, -1, 0
rhoWire = 8.73 g/cc
WindMaterial = 27
rhoWind = 2.86E+17 1/cc
velWind = 6e6 cm/s
BWind = 5e4 Gauss
TempWind = 12 ev or 1.39e5 K
set up 3
Box: 20x20 mm (?)
radius_wire = 0.25 mm
distance_between_centers = 3.0 mm
MagField_direction = 0, 0, -1
rhoWire = 8.73 g/cc
WindMaterial = 27
rhoWind = 2.86E+17 1/cc
velWind = 6e6 cm/s
BWind = 5e4 Gauss
TempWind = 12 ev or 1.39e5 K
HeFrac = .084d0 ! Ratio of Helium Nuclei to Hydrogen Nuclei
xH = .01d0 ! Ionization fraction of Hydrogenn
xHe = 0d0 ! Ionization fraction of Helium (singly ionized)
xHeII = 0d0 ! Ionization fraction of Helium (doubly ionized)
ZFrac = .00126d0 ! Ratio of Metal Nuclei to Hydrogen Nuclei
xZ = .001d0 ! Ionization fraction of metals
Zmu = 16d0 ! Mean atomic mass of metals - (including electrons from ionized metals)
Xmu = 0d0 ! Mean atomic mass of everything - (including all free electrons and nuclei)
9.1.2020 from JC
rho_outflow 0.5
rho_ambient 0.1
rho_clump 1
mach =10