Version 20 (modified by 6 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Scripts and Programming
1. VisIT Scripts
Read a text file to Python lists and use (do contour as Example) the values | procedures;Read file to lists; | For Luke's Common Envelope Module |
Create a "Constant" vector mesh variable from the result of querying operation. Calculate the gravitational potential around the particle locations. | Notes;create a "Constant" vector mesh variable | |
Label the coordinates of two sink particles and save them to txt file | procedure;save particle position | |
save histogram curve (rho PDF) | procedures; save log histogram | |
calculate the average velocity <vx2> and save it to txt file for different frames | save query data to txt | |
measure and save the backflow flux to a text file | Save backflow flux;get query;steps | wiki:u/bliu/PlanetaryWind |
save Windows in VisIt | Save windows to curve | Save line plots to curve/text file |
rotate and save Window in VisIt | Save to curve | Save line plot to curve/text file |
rotate and save Window in VisIt | Rotate&Save | Tested with VisIt 2.6.2 |
2. Collects for useful shell, gnuplot and python scripts & codes
set refinement using ErrFlag | code and steps | |
Extract dataSet from chombo files and save to a text file | Read Soft_Lengths of two particles in Common Envelop chombo files | See the procedure/details in VisIT scripts |
plot Histogram curve data with error bars | density PDF with error bars and Gaussian 1 fit;density PDF with error bars and Gaussian2 fit | see the procedure in VisIT Scripts |
Parsing Spectra files from postProcessing | hydro data; mhd data | for WireTurbulence |
generate random number of files(empty) of different type with random fileNames | random Files | for Bash class Aug 2016 |
Fortran codes that read in binary files created by C++ program | scheme;F77 code;F95 code; sample binary file; sample text/result file; | For Steve Teitel, 7.14.2016 |
random number generator lottery | power ball V1; power ball with bubble sorting; | |
Find all xml files in source and run saxon to transform and save the object files to output files with same directory structures | XML transform script;testing cases | The java files folder and stylesheets folder are all located under the same folder as the script |
Get Max and Min of one column of all ASCII data files using gnuplot | shell script;gnuplot script | data files example and All located under test/ |
Python function with multiple returns | multiple return function | test. one return is a list |
Python script to read csv file | read csv file; example csv file | the example csv file comes from DDiMAP |
Python scripts to read, write and parse fasta files | read;write; parse; fasta file to a List; example fasta file | biopython needed. The example fasta file comes from DDiMAP |
Relink all executable files in all the subdirectories | Relink astrobear for all subfolders | For Bruce, on alfalfa |
Convert gif files to movie files on Mac | Movie Convert | Using ffmpeg; For Mac |
Interpolate from fine grids to coarse grids with AstroBEAR | blog:bliu08282014 | Set Info%ErrFlag to be 1; Read in data and set as level 1 AMR grid instead of 0 |
cherry pick the values for specific time steps | transfer gravity; | pick up gravity values around ts |
hdf5 data to txt | HDF5 to ASCII; ASCII to TXT; | The hdf5 files need to be from single-core runs |
Read in chombo files with multi-processors and reWrite the same frame using single-core. Useful when transferring hdf5 files to txt files. | scrambler.f90; subst for run-directory; script; | Replace the scrambler.f90 file with the new one. The frame number in script need to be updated. 8.19.2014 |
bash and gnuplot script: plot Multiple Data files to Multiple eps | gnuplot template | bash arithmetic expressions; use gnuplot to generate multiple figures; special symbols in gnuplot; use gnuplot variables in title; string parse in bash script; multiplots; multipanels; convert eps to png file… |
Scripts to transfer the hdf4 file to text on BH2 | hdf4_to_ascii; combine_pos_var; combine_pos_var; combine_pos_var_v2 | hdf4 module needed |
Extended 2D data to 3D (Set Precisions!) | SI along y;SI along z; cgs along z; | Generate 3D initial data to testing the Ablative RT 3D module code. The initial profile is along y/z direction. Everything along z is same. 2D data in 2Ddata/ and 3D data generated in 3Ddata/ |
3. Others
install libs for astrobear |
set vim c++ syntax |
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