Version 22 (modified by 3 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
New Data new Scales
logRho_scaled XY |
logRho_scaled XZ |
logRho_scaled YZ |
New Data long run
High CFL
Mass = 0.591509E+15 Position = 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 Initializing Grids on level 0 Initializing Grids on level 1 Initializing Grids on level 2 level -2 level -1 level 0 level 1 level 2 Time to make output file 0: 12.3188 seconds. High hydro CFL ( 0.91E+09 > 0.10E+01) found at position ( -0.7008E+04, -0.6961E+04, -0.4141E+03) on processor 3, due to a maxspeed of 0.21E+14 - Restarting Step High hydro CFL ( 0.74E+05 > 0.10E+01) found at position ( -0.3164E+03, 0.5859E+02, -0.2617E+03) on processor 17, due to a maxspeed of 0.17E+10 - Restarting Step High hydro CFL ( 0.77E+06 > 0.10E+01) found at position ( 0.2285E+03, 0.2988E+03, -0.9766E+01) on processor 87, due to a maxspeed of 0.18E+11 - Restarting Step Info allocations = 12.4 gb 195.5 mb message allocations = ------ 52.4 mb sweep allocations = ------ 248.9 mb
logRho_scaled XZ |
logRho_scaled YZ |
CALL CreateOutflow(Particle%OutflowObj) call addtracer(particle%outflowobj%iTracer,'Outflow_Tracer') Particle%OutflowObj%duration=3e9/timescale Particle%OutflowObj%radius=REAL(radiusw,qPREC)*sink_dx Particle%OutflowObj%thickness=REAL(radiusw,qPREC)*sink_dx Particle%OutflowObj%open_angle=Pi/2 Particle%OutflowObj%theta=0 Particle%OutflowObj%phi=0 Particle%OutflowObj%density=outflowdensity/rscale Particle%OutflowObj%temperature=30000/tempscale Particle%OutflowObj%speed=0/velscale Particle%OutflowObj%fade=0d0 Particle%OutflowObj%velocity(1:nDim)=Particle%Q(imom(1:nDim)) Particle%OutflowObj%position= Particle%xloc Particle%OutflowObj%begin=-1d0 CALL UpdateOutflow(Particle%OutflowObj)
New Data short run
ass = 0.591509E+15 Position = 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 Initializing Grids on level 0 Initializing Grids on level 1 Initializing Grids on level 2 level -2 level -1 level 0 level 1 level 2 Time to make output file 0: 12.7837 seconds. Advanced level 0 to tnext= 0.2000E-06 with dt= 0.2000E-06 CFL= 0.3727E-01 max speed= 0.8736E+07 particle_speed= 0.0000E+00 Advanced level 1 to tnext= 0.1000E-06 with dt= 0.1000E-06 CFL= 0.3797E-01 max speed= 0.8900E+ 07 particle_speed= 0.0000E+00 Advanced level 2 to tnext= 0.5000E-07 with dt= 0.5000E-07 CFL= 0.3871E-01 max speed= 0.9073 E+07 particle_speed= 0.0000E+00 Advanced level 2 to tnext= 0.1000E-06 with dt= 0.5000E-07 CFL= 0.3929E-01 max speed= 0.9208 E+07 particle_speed= 0.0000E+00 Advanced level 1 to tnext= 0.2000E-06 with dt= 0.1000E-06 CFL= 0.3913E-01 max speed= 0.9172E+ 07 particle_speed= 0.0000E+00
logRho_scaled XZ |
logRho_scaled YZ |
New scaling parameters converting Phantom Units to astrobear CU
! a(:,:,:,5)=a(:,:,:,5)*a(:,:,:,1)*1.907e15*efact / pscale !< rescale internal energy for simulation gamma a(:,:,:,1)=a(:,:,:,1)*5.901/rscale a(:,:,:,5)=a(:,:,:,5)*1.907e15*a(:,:,:,1)*efact / pscale !< rescale internal energy for simulation gamma !! moved from top by B.Liu, 1.12.2022 a(:,:,:,2:4)=a(:,:,:,2:4)*4.367e7/velscale * spread(a(:,:,:,1),4,3) a(:,:,:,5)=a(:,:,:,5)+.5*sum(a(:,:,:,2:4)**2,4)/a(:,:,:,1) ! Calculate overlap mb(:,2)=min(ibox(:,2), info%mglobal(:,2))
1. old data run revised
added gridsData namelist (largeGridSize, mediumGridSize, smallGridSize, gridPos(3))
&GridsData largeGridSize = 64000d0 mediumGridSize = 4000d0 smallGridSize = 750d0 gridPos = 750d0,750d0,0d0
2. New Data lattice
large grid cell: 2.4e4/512=46.875; 1.4e4/299 = 46.8227424749 medium grid cell: 1e4/512=19.53125 small grid cell: 5e3/512 = 9.765625
cell ratio:
large grid: ~4.8 medium grid: 2 small grid: 1
2. Old Data lattice
cell ratio:
large grid: 0 AMR level: 1/1 medium grid: 4 AMR level: 1/16 small grid: 7 AMR level: 1/128
9.21.2021 New Phantom data from Orsola
1. Dimensions
A small correction. The resolution of the three boxes is: Grid 1 (r+g+b): 512x512x299 Grid 2 (g+b): 512x512x512 Grid 3 (b): 512x512x512
Grid 1:
# SPLASH: A visualisation tool for SPH data (c)2004-2021 Daniel Price and contributors # binary_08000_density_grid.dat produced using "splash to grid" on file binary_08000 # # time: # 2.0201106E+01 # # xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax: # -1.2000000E+04 1.2000000E+04 -1.2000000E+04 1.2000000E+04 -7.0000000E+03 7.0000000E+03 # # file contains: # density interpolated to 3D cartesian x,y,z grid # # written in the form: # do k=1,nz # do j=1,ny # write(*,*) (dat(i,j,k),i=1,nx) # enddo # enddo # # grid dimensions: # nx ny nz 512 512 299
Grid 2:
# SPLASH: A visualisation tool for SPH data (c)2004-2021 Daniel Price and contributors # binary_08000_density_grid.dat produced using "splash to grid" on file binary_08000 # # time: # 2.0201106E+01 # # xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax: # -5.0000000E+03 5.0000000E+03 -5.0000000E+03 5.0000000E+03 -5.0000000E+03 5.0000000E+03 # # file contains: # density interpolated to 3D cartesian x,y,z grid # # written in the form: # do k=1,nz # do j=1,ny # write(*,*) (dat(i,j,k),i=1,nx) # enddo # enddo # # grid dimensions: # nx ny nz 512 512 512
Grid 3:
# SPLASH: A visualisation tool for SPH data (c)2004-2021 Daniel Price and contributors # binary_08000_density_grid.dat produced using "splash to grid" on file binary_08000 # # time: # 2.0201106E+01 # # xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax: # -2.5000000E+03 2.5000000E+03 -2.5000000E+03 2.5000000E+03 -2.5000000E+03 2.5000000E+03 # # file contains: # density interpolated to 3D cartesian x,y,z grid # # written in the form: # do k=1,nz # do j=1,ny # write(*,*) (dat(i,j,k),i=1,nx) # enddo # enddo # # grid dimensions: # nx ny nz 512 512 512
2. scales
Phantom units | Conversion factor |
Length | 6.960E+10 cm |
Mass | 1.989E+33 g |
Density | 5.901E+00g/cm3 |
Velocity | 4.367E+07 cm/s |
3. Figures
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
9.13.2021 Old data mapping and Simulations
1. Phantom data
Large grid:
# SPLASH: A visualisation tool for SPH data (c)2004-2014 Daniel Price # time: # 1.5868375E+01 # # file contains: # density [g/cm\u3\d] interpolated to 3D grid # # written in the form: # do k=1,nz # do j=1,ny # write(*,*) (dat(i,j,k),i=1,nx) # enddo # enddo # # grid dimensions: # nx ny nz 128 128 128
Medium grid:
# # grid dimensions: # nx ny nz 128 128 128
Small grid
# grid dimensions: # nx ny nz 192 192 192
Details | density large grid | density medium grid | density small grid |
2. Parameters and Mapping code in Astrobear
!============================================================================================= ! Parameters Related to Space !============================================================================================= nDim = 3 ! number of dimensions for this problem (1-3) GmX = 128,128,128 ! Base grid resolution [x,y,z] MaxLevel = 7 ! Maximum level for this simulation (0 is fixed grid) LastStaticLevel = 0 ! Use static AMR for levels through LastStaticLevel [-1] GxBounds = -64000d0,-64000d0,-64000d0,64000d0,64000d0,64000d0 ! Problem boundaries in computational units,format: ! (xlower, ylower, zlower, xupper, yupper, zupper) ! For 2D problems, set zlower and zupper to 0.d0.
SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit() INTEGER :: n,i,j,k,edge real(KIND=qPREC) :: rhoambient,pambient,mass,xloc(3),vel(3),alpha,radiusw integer :: grav_soft_rad TYPE(ProjectionDef), POINTER :: Projection NAMELIST/AmbientData/ rhoambient,pambient NAMELIST /ParticleData/ mass,xloc,vel,alpha,radiusw,grav_soft_rad NAMELIST/ProblemData/ outflowstarttime, outflowendtime, outflowdensity, mintracer open(unit=problem_data_handle,file='',status='old') read(problem_data_handle,nml=ProblemData) ! Make sure interpopts starts at zero for initial grid setup if (.not. lRestart) then InterpOpts=0 MinDensity=4d-6 ! << set mindensity higher to overwrite the odd spherical region, change to 1d-10 later in ProblemBeforeGlobalStep MinTemp=20 ! << set mintemp higher for frame 0, change to 10 later in ProblemBeforeGlobalStep end if if (lRestart) then particle=>SinkParticles%self ! handle to the particle Call addtracer(particle%outflowobj%iTracer,'Outflow_Tracer') ! <<< tracers need to be added in the same order when the code is restarted, but don't re-creat the particle - or the outflow object end if ! Physical bounds of boxes box_0=64000*reshape((/-1,-1,-1,1,1,1/),(/3,2/)) box_4=4000*reshape((/-1,-1,-1,1,1,1/),(/3,2/)) box_7=750*reshape((/-1,-1,-1,1,1,1/),(/3,2/)) ! index of boxes in each level's index space ibox_0=nint(box_0-spread(GxBounds(:,1),2,2))/levels(0)%dx + spread((/1,0/),1,3) if (maxlevel >= 4) then ibox_4=nint(box_4-spread(GxBounds(:,1),2,2))/levels(4)%dx + spread((/1,0/),1,3) if (maxlevel >= 7) then ibox_7=nint(box_7-spread(GxBounds(:,1),2,2))/levels(7)%dx + spread((/1,0/),1,3) end if end if CALL CreateRefinement(RefineJet) CALL CreateShape(RefineJet%shape, RECTANGULAR_PRISM, (/750d0,750d0,0d0/)) !position defaults to 0,0,0 RefineJet%type=REFINE_INSIDE nx=Info%mx(1) ny=Info%mx(2) nz=Info%mx(3) IF (lRestart) RETURN IF (.NOT. ANY(Info%level == (/0,4,7/))) RETURN SELECT CASE(Info%level) CASE(0) open(unit=195,file='density_grid1.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=196,file='v_x_grid1.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=197,file='v_y_grid1.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=198,file='v_z_grid1.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=199,file='NewLargeGrid_u_erg_g_grid.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') ibox=ibox_0 CASE(4) open(unit=195,file='density_grid2.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=196,file='v_x_grid2.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=197,file='v_y_grid2.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=198,file='v_z_grid2.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=199,file='NewMedGrid_u_erg_g_grid.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') ibox=ibox_4 CASE(7) open(unit=195,file='density_grid3.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=196,file='v_x_grid3.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=197,file='v_y_grid3.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=198,file='v_z_grid3.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') open(unit=199,file='NewSmallGrid_u_erg_g_grid.dat',status='old',form='formatted',action='read') ibox=ibox_7 END SELECT do i=1,19 !< Reads the first 19 lines from each file - presumably containing meta data read(195,*) read(196,*) read(197,*) read(198,*) read(199,*) end do ! Allocate space to store local box allocate(a(ibox(1,1):ibox(1,2), ibox(2,1):ibox(2,2), ibox(3,1):ibox(3,2), 5)) ! Read in data read(195,*),a(:,:,:,1) !< must be density in g read(196,*),a(:,:,:,2) !< x-velocity in cm/s read(197,*),a(:,:,:,3) !< y-velocity in cm/s read(198,*),a(:,:,:,4) !< z-velocity in cm/s read(199,*),a(:,:,:,5) !< internal energy in erg/g close(195) close(196) close(197) close(198) close(199) a(:,:,:,5)=a(:,:,:,5)*a(:,:,:,1)*efact / pscale !< rescale internal energy for simulation gamma a(:,:,:,1)=a(:,:,:,1)/rscale a(:,:,:,2:4)=a(:,:,:,2:4)/velscale * spread(a(:,:,:,1),4,3) a(:,:,:,5)=a(:,:,:,5)+.5*sum(a(:,:,:,2:4)**2,4)/a(:,:,:,1) ! Calculate overlap mb(:,2)=min(ibox(:,2), info%mglobal(:,2)) mb(:,1)=max(ibox(:,1), info%mglobal(:,1)) mc=mb-spread(info%mglobal(:,1),2,2)+1 ! Update Info%q Info%q(mc(1,1):mc(1,2), mc(2,1):mc(2,2), mc(3,1):mc(3,2),1:5)=a(mb(1,1):mb(1,2), mb(2,1):mb(2,2), mb(3,1):mb(3,2), :) deallocate(a)
Details | problem.f90 | | | |
3. output from AstroBear
(z,x,y) | ![]() |
Attachments (2)
- oldData.png (2.9 MB ) - added by 3 years ago.
(1.2 MB
) - added by 3 years ago.
old data with new AMR7 as 500
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