
Version 44 (modified by Baowei Liu, 10 years ago) ( diff )

1. AstroBEAR and Research

Ablative RT Problem

Implementation in the code

2D Case

  • Growth rate
200 Extended Zones;;; movie
5 Extended Zones movie

3D Case

  • Initial Profile from LLE
Original Doc parameters ; gravity=0.4*acceleration0
Original Data for thick Target density; pressure; temperature; Vx; Vy;Vz
Original Data for thin Target density; pressure; Vz
Thick Target Data files in text (normalized using parameters above, initial profile along z direction) density; pressure; temperature; Vx; Vy;Vz
Thin Target Data files in text (normalized using parameters above, initial profile along z direction) density; pressure; Vz
Thick Target: Initial Profile along center line
Thick Target Results from AstroBEAR (fixed grid; movie1; movie2;
Thin Target: Initial Profile along center line
Thin Target Results from AstroBEAR (fixed grid); movie;
Thin Target Results from AstroBEAR (Coarse grid and AMR); 1 level AMR; 3 levels AMR;3 levels AMR with mesh

Atmosphere of Extrasolar Giant Planet



2. Teaching, Presentation, Posters and Other Useful Documents

2015 CIRC Winter Boot Camp — Bash lecture slides; hands on examples 1 ; hands on examples 2 ; hands on examples 3 ; hands on examples 4 ; Evaluation sheet from Students 2.9.2015-2.18.2015
Configure File for AstroBEAR Working Notes The Notes for using AutoTools to generate configure files for AstroBEAR codes. 2014.10
2014 CIRC Summer School — Cuda CUDA CIRC Summer School 2014.8
2014 BH2 System Test Scaling Test of AstroBEAR on BlueHive2 and Stampede; tex file CIRC All-Staff 2014.5
2013 Presentation Introduction to AstroBEAR2.0 CIRC All-Staff 2013.8
2013&2014 Poster AstroBEAR2.0 and its Performance on BlueGene/Q Annual CIRC Poster Session 2013 & 2014.5
2012 Poster Comparision of Benchmarks Across CIRC Supercomputing Architectures Annual CIRC Poster Session 2012.5

3. Scripts

Collects for useful shell, gnuplot and python scripts & codes

Find all xml files in source and run saxon to transform and save the object files to output files with same directory structures XML transform script;testing cases The java files folder and stylesheets folder are all located under the same folder as the script
Get Max and Min of one column of all ASCII data files using gnuplot shell script;gnuplot script data files example and All located under test/
Python function with multiple returns multiple return function test. one return is a list
Python script to read csv file read csv file; example csv file the example csv file comes from DDiMAP
Python scripts to read, write and parse fasta files read;write; parse; fasta file to a List; example fasta file biopython needed. The example fasta file comes from DDiMAP
Python Script to rotate and save Window in VisIt Save to curve Save line plot to curve/text file
Python Script to rotate and save Window in VisIt Rotate&Save Tested with VisIt 2.6.2
Relink all executable files in all the subdirectories Relink astrobear for all subfolders For Bruce, on alfalfa
Convert gif files to movie files on Mac Movie Convert Using ffmpeg; For Mac
Interpolate from fine grids to coarse grids with AstroBEAR blog:bliu08282014 Set Info%ErrFlag to be 1; Read in data and set as level 1 AMR grid instead of 0
cherry pick the values for specific time steps transfer gravity; pick up gravity values around ts
hdf5 data to txt HDF5 to ASCII; ASCII to TXT; The hdf5 files need to be from single-core runs
Read in chombo files with multi-processors and reWrite the same frame using single-core. Useful when transferring hdf5 files to txt files. scrambler.f90; subst for run-directory; script; Replace the scrambler.f90 file with the new one. The frame number in script need to be updated. 8.19.2014
bash and gnuplot script: plot Multiple Data files to Multiple eps gnuplot template bash arithmetic expressions; use gnuplot to generate multiple figures; special symbols in gnuplot; use gnuplot variables in title; string parse in bash script; multiplots; multipanels; convert eps to png file…
Scripts to transfer the hdf4 file to text on BH2 hdf4_to_ascii; combine_pos_var; combine_pos_var; combine_pos_var_v2 hdf4 module needed
Extended 2D data to 3D (Set Precisions!) SI along y;SI along z; cgs along z; Generate 3D initial data to testing the Ablative RT 3D module code. The initial profile is along y/z direction. Everything along z is same. 2D data in 2Ddata/ and 3D data generated in 3Ddata/



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