Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of u/ehansen/RT

09/14/11 12:08:46 (13 years ago)


  • u/ehansen/RT

    v17 v18  
    1414For this run, all parameters are the same. The grid is now 50 x 150, and there are 3 levels of AMR which yields an effective resolution that is 4x the previous run.
    1515* [attachment:RTmoviehigh.gif RT Movie (Higher Resolution)]
    16 I realized that uniform gravity was not working properly in the first two simulations, so here is one in which it is working.  Also, this simulation is a 50 x 150 grid with 2 levels of AMR.
     16At late times, the simulation should develop Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities and other irregularities associated with the mixing of the two fluids. It became obvious that uniform gravity was not working properly in the first two simulations, so here is one in which it is working.  Also, this simulation is a 50 x 150 grid with 2 levels of AMR.
    1717* [attachment:rttestmovie.gif RT Movie (Gravity Working)]
    18 The previous simulation has asymmetry that is especially noticable in late time frames.  After going back to my problem module, I noticed that the perturbation had some z dependence which it should not since this is a 2D simulation. Fixing that yielded a nice symmetric simulation.
     18The simulation should always be symmetric, but the previous simulation has asymmetry that is especially noticable in late time frames.  After going back to the problem module, it was discovered that the perturbation had some z dependence which it should not since this is a 2D simulation. Fixing that yielded a nice symmetric simulation.
    1919* [attachment:RT_symmetric.gif RT Movie (symmetric)]
    2020== Tracking the Interface ==
    2121In order to calculate the growth rate of the perturbation, the interface between the two fluids was tracked.  To do this, a new bear2fix routine was used which calculates the position of the large density gradient (i.e the interface).  To ensure that bear2fix tracked the interface accurately, the values bear2fix used were plotted over the density map created in visit.
    2222* [attachment:interface_movie.gif Interface Movie]
     23== Calculating the Growth Rate ==
     24With the accuracy of the tracking confirmed, the next step was to calculate the growth rate.
    2425* [attachment:snapshot1.png Log(interface_position) Plot]
    25 == Calculating the Growth Rate ==
    2726== Results ==