38 | | It can be shown that the analytic growth rate [[latex($\lambda_a=\sqrt{A g t}$)]] |
| 38 | It can be shown that the analytic growth rate [[latex($\lambda_a=\sqrt{A k g}$)]] |
| 39 | Where [[latex($A$)]] is the Atwood number, [[latex($k$)]] is the spatial wave number, and [[latex($g$)]] is the acceleration due to gravity. |
| 40 | The Atwood number is defined as [[latex($A=\frac{\rho_h-\rho_l}-{\rho_h+\rho_l}$)]] where [[latex($\rho_h$)]] and [[latex($\rho_l$)]] are the densities of the heavy fluid and light fluid respectively. |
| 41 | For the initial conditions used here [[latex($\lambda_a=0.6472$)]] |