Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of u/ehansen/buildcode

10/31/11 15:11:46 (13 years ago)


  • u/ehansen/buildcode

    v2 v3  
    3636   * Repeat time stepping procedure until final time is reached
    3737* Output data to a file
     39== Test Results ==
     40Five different tests were run in accordance with the tests in Ch. 6 of Toro's aforementioned book.  All tests were run with a domain length of 1.0 and 100 computing cells.  For the first five time steps a CFL of 0.18 was used to give the various waves time to develop.  For the time steps following, a more natural CFL of 0.9 was used to obtain more accurate results.  Here is a table of all the input data:
     42||= Discontinuity Position =||= Output Time =||= [[latex($ \rho_L$)]] =||= [[latex($v_L$)]] =||= [[latex($p_L$)]] =||= [[latex($\rho_R$)]] =||= [[latex($v_R$)]] =||= [[latex($p_R$)]] =||
     43||= 0.3 =||= 0.2 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.75 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.125 =||= 0.0 =||= 0.1 =||
     44||= 0.5 =||= 0.15 =||= 1.0 =||= -2.0 =||= 0.4 =||= 1.0 =||= 2.0 =||= 0.4 =||
     45||= 0.5 =||= 0.012 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.0 =||= 1000.0 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.0 =||= 0.01 =||
     46||= 0.4 =||= 0.035 =||= 5.99924 =||= 19.5975 =||= 460.894 =||= 5.99242 =||= -6.19633 =||= 46.0950 =||
     47||= 0.8 =||= 0.012 =||= 1.0 =||= -19.59745 =||= 1000.0 =||= 1.0 =||= -19.59745 =||= 0.01 =||
     49Density, velocity, pressure, and internal energy were plotted for every test.  The following images show the numerical results (points) alongside the exact solution (line).
     50All plots appear to be the same as those presented by Toro.  Therefore, the codes SEEQUOD and SEEQUODexact must be correct.
     52=== Test 1 ===
     53|| [[Image(test1_density.png)]] || [[Image(test1_velocity.png)]] ||
     54|| [[Image(test1_pressure.png)]] || [[Image(test1_intenergy.png)]] ||
     56=== Test 2 ===
     57|| [[Image(test2_density.png)]] || [[Image(test2_velocity.png)]] ||
     58|| [[Image(test2_pressure.png)]] || [[Image(test2_intenergy.png)]] ||
     60=== Test 3 ===
     61|| [[Image(test3_density.png)]] || [[Image(test3_velocity.png)]] ||
     62|| [[Image(test3_pressure.png)]] || [[Image(test3_intenergy.png)]] ||
     64=== Test 4 ===
     65|| [[Image(test4_density.png)]] || [[Image(test4_velocity.png)]] ||
     66|| [[Image(test4_pressure.png)]] || [[Image(test4_intenergy.png)]] ||
     68=== Test 5 ===
     69|| [[Image(test5_density.png)]] || [[Image(test5_velocity.png)]] ||
     70|| [[Image(test5_pressure.png)]] || [[Image(test5_intenergy.png)]] ||