Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of u/ehansen/buildcode

10/31/11 15:29:28 (13 years ago)


  • u/ehansen/buildcode

    v4 v5  
    3939== Test Results ==
    40 Five different tests were run in accordance with the tests in Ch. 6 of Toro's aforementioned book.  All tests were run with a domain length of 1.0 and 100 computing cells.  For the first five time steps a CFL of 0.18 was used to give the various waves time to develop.  For the time steps following, a more natural CFL of 0.9 was used to obtain more accurate results.  Here is a table of all the input data:
     40Five different tests were run in accordance with the tests in Ch. 6 of Toro's aforementioned book.  All tests were run with a domain length of 1.0 and 100 computing cells.  For the first five time steps a CFL of 0.18 was used to give the various waves time to develop.  For the time steps following, a more natural CFL of 0.9 was used to obtain more accurate results.  Here is a table of all the input data for each test:
    42 ||= Discontinuity Position =||= Output Time =||= [[latex($ \rho_L$)]] =||= [[latex($v_L$)]] =||= [[latex($p_L$)]] =||= [[latex($\rho_R$)]] =||= [[latex($v_R$)]] =||= [[latex($p_R$)]] =||
    43 ||= 0.3 =||= 0.2 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.75 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.125 =||= 0.0 =||= 0.1 =||
    44 ||= 0.5 =||= 0.15 =||= 1.0 =||= -2.0 =||= 0.4 =||= 1.0 =||= 2.0 =||= 0.4 =||
    45 ||= 0.5 =||= 0.012 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.0 =||= 1000.0 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.0 =||= 0.01 =||
    46 ||= 0.4 =||= 0.035 =||= 5.99924 =||= 19.5975 =||= 460.894 =||= 5.99242 =||= -6.19633 =||= 46.0950 =||
    47 ||= 0.8 =||= 0.012 =||= 1.0 =||= -19.59745 =||= 1000.0 =||= 1.0 =||= -19.59745 =||= 0.01 =||
     42||= Test Number =||= Discontinuity Position =||= Output Time =||= [[latex($ \rho_L$)]] =||= [[latex($v_L$)]] =||= [[latex($p_L$)]] =||= [[latex($\rho_R$)]] =||= [[latex($v_R$)]] =||= [[latex($p_R$)]] =||
     43||= 1 =||= 0.3 =||= 0.2 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.75 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.125 =||= 0.0 =||= 0.1 =||
     44||= 2 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.15 =||= 1.0 =||= -2.0 =||= 0.4 =||= 1.0 =||= 2.0 =||= 0.4 =||
     45||= 3 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.012 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.0 =||= 1000.0 =||= 1.0 =||= 0.0 =||= 0.01 =||
     46||= 4 =||= 0.4 =||= 0.035 =||= 5.99924 =||= 19.5975 =||= 460.894 =||= 5.99242 =||= -6.19633 =||= 46.0950 =||
     47||= 5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.012 =||= 1.0 =||= -19.59745 =||= 1000.0 =||= 1.0 =||= -19.59745 =||= 0.01 =||
    4949Density, velocity, pressure, and internal energy were plotted for every test.  The following images show the numerical results (points) alongside the exact solution (line).