Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of u/erica/AccretionModelingBlog

03/20/18 20:13:17 (7 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/erica/AccretionModelingBlog

    v20 v21  
    6363Since the solution is getting stepped on within some small inner radius, can't meaningfully check the behavior of the accretion algorithm and any spurious waves it might be generating there. Instead, will be removing this inner boundary in the next run. Would like to test the effect of the sonic radius being outside of the accretion radius as opposed to within. To test this will do a resolution study on $\gamma=7/5$ flow, where the sonic point is $~.2R_{BH}$.
    65 As the following images show, this set of conditions produces a steady state solution... Both the sonic point is not-resolved, as well as the solution is being stepped on where non-steady effects could happen due to effects of the accretion algorithm. The attached module files that produce these files are thus called "*_steadystate*"
     65As the following images show, this set of ICs produces a steady-state solution.. This is due to the solution being stepped on within the accretion volume, which would likely be the first place any deviation from the similarity solutions would occur due to spurious pressure waves that the accretion algorithm might produce in such strongly subsonic flow such as this. The attached module files that produce these files are thus called "*_steadystate*"
    6767|| Mesh || [[Image(mesh_comparison.png, 15%)]] ||