3 | | Am working on a 3D simulation of Bondi Flow onto a central sink particle and studying the accretion properties using the Krumholz accretion algorithm. |
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5 | | The following are the fiducial IC's used in the simulations (in computational units), unless otherwise noted: |
6 | | |
7 | | ||Lx=Ly=Lz|| 20 || |
8 | | ||Mx=My=Mz || 64 || |
9 | | || !MaxLevel (AMR) || 2 || |
10 | | || Effective resolution (dx) || .15625 || |
11 | | || Sink dx = 4dx || .625 || |
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13 | | From Bondi (1952) we have the following quantities (in order: Bondi radius, accretion rate, sonic radius, nondimensional density and velocity): |
| 3 | Am working on a 3D simulation of Bondi Flow onto a central sink particle and studying the accretion properties using the Krumholz accretion algorithm. From Bondi (1952) we have the following quantities (in order: Bondi radius, accretion rate, sonic radius, nondimensional density and velocity): |