
Projected Inverse Beta Maps

The maps were created using the projections object in Astrobear, using a field for 'Inverse Beta'. We are choosing inverse beta because the denominator will not be allowed to get arbitrarily small due to pressure protections, whereas the magnetic field pressure could approach zero. Once inverse beta was defined for each cell using the fields object, we summed these through 2 dimensions, down the barrel and down the y-axis.

Modifications to the code

In fields.f90, added a new integer parameter, "Inv_Beta", and a case in the function "GetField":


GetField = (half*sum(q(iBx:iBz)**2))/(Press(q))

which is used in problem.f90, as:

! For integrated inverse beta maps along the flow axis:

CALL CreateProjection(projection)

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on 01/02/15 13:43:08
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