
Version 6 (modified by Erica Kaminski, 10 years ago) ( diff )

As a measure of magnetic field strength in the pdf, I am going to use the magnetic pressure.

Magnetic pressure is an energy density, and in free space in cgs, is given by:

In the code, there is a field called 'BE_field' which is the magnetic energy (or pressure) field, given by:

The B's in the above are in computational units (cu), implying -


Putting this into BE_field gives,

aka - scaled magnetic pressure.

Therefore - using BE_field as is for my pdf - means I will be plotting scaled magnetic pressure vs. scaled number density.

What is pscale?

For my problem set-up,

which let's me do a cute trick -

which implies

That is, the LHS, which are the values I will be plotting, are in units of K/cm3, and therefore instead of calling it something like 'magnetic pressure in computational units', I can call it:

which is still a scaled magnetic pressure — but perhaps a more physically motivated one for readers..

This of course is plotted against number density, which again given nscale = 1, is already in units of cm-3.

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