16 | | Note, Astrobear’s output doesn't line up exactly with the input progenitor profiles towards the center of the core. I suspect this has to do with interpolation -- for instance, the average density calculated for the cell centers should be resolution dependant (to maintain a constant enclosed mass irrespective of resolution), which would move the density profiles away from each other in Fig. 1. The steeper the gradient, the greater this deviation, which explains why the profiles differ more closer to the origin. This effect would translate to the pressure profile, given the HSE pressure profile is computed from the interpolated density profile. |
| 16 | Note, Astrobear’s output doesn't line up exactly with the input progenitor profiles towards the center of the core. I suspect this has to do with interpolation -- for instance, the average density calculated for the cell centers should be resolution dependant (to maintain a constant enclosed mass irrespective of resolution), which would move the density profiles away from each other in Fig. 1. The steeper the gradient, the greater this deviation, which explains why the profiles differ more closer to the origin. This effect would translate to the pressure profile, given the HSE pressure profile is computed from the density profile. |