28 | | The second is the profile object after it has been sent through the HSE solver. Note, although it can’t be seen here, the initial and final ''density'' profile objects are exactly identical and they perfectly line up with the progenitor density profile, but the initial and final ''pressure'' profiles are marginally different (~<1%) near the center of the core, with the initial pressure profile curve being identical to the progenitor pressure profile. This is because the HSE solver calculates what the pressure profile should be in HSE, given the input density profile. Since the input and output pressure profiles deviate slightly indicates that the initial progenitor profile wasn’t exactly in HSE (to within numerical uncertainty). Again, the larger deviation of the blue curve is due to interpolation onto the coarser grid of this simulation. |
| 28 | The second is the profile object after it has been sent through the HSE solver. Note, although it can’t be seen here, the initial and final ''density'' profile objects are exactly identical and they perfectly line up with the progenitor density profile, but the initial and final ''pressure'' profiles are marginally different (~<1%) near the center of the core, with the initial pressure profile curve being identical to the progenitor pressure profile. This is because the HSE solver calculates what the pressure profile should be in HSE, given the input density profile (and external pressure). Since the input and output pressure profiles deviate slightly indicates that the initial progenitor profile wasn’t exactly in HSE (to within numerical uncertainty). Again, the larger deviation of the blue curves is due to interpolation onto the coarser grid of this simulation. |