Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of u/erica/ExactRiemannSolver

01/04/13 23:28:52 (12 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/erica/ExactRiemannSolver

    v16 v17  
    77Given the above properties of the Riemann problem, an algebraic expression can be derived which gives p in the central "star-region" (denoted by '*'). The overall structure of the Riemann problem then is to solve this algebraic equation for p*. Once p* is known, u* follows immediately. The remaining rho*_L and rho*_R follow from expressions valid for the specific L- or R- wave present.
    9 Specifically, this means that the code will determine at every point (x,t), that point's relative position to the different waves present. Once the position is determined, the solution is given by analytic expressions for the following five possibilities: pre- or post- shock, ahead of rarefaction head, behind rarefaction tail, or within the rarefaction fan. The position of each sampling point (x,t) is determined by a characteristic speed in the grid given by s = dx/t, where dx is the distance from the initial discontinuity to the sampling point (x,t), and t is the simulation end time. This s for every point on the grid can be compared to the known present waves, as their speeds are known exactly. In this way, the relative position of the sampling point with respect to the waves on the grid is determined.
    11 The program thus will consist of 4 parts: 1. Code to find p* using an iterative process, 2. Comparing p* to p_L and p_R to identify the types of nonlinear waves present in the solution, 3. Find remaining quantities in star region, where u* is given by simple expression in Toro (eqn. 4.9), and wave-specific expressions give rho*_L and rho*_R.
     9Specifically, this means that the code will determine at every point (x,t), that point's relative position to the different waves present. Once the position is determined, the solution is given by analytic expressions for the following five possibilities: pre- or post- shock, ahead of rarefaction head, behind rarefaction tail, or within the rarefaction fan. The position of each sampling point (x,t) is determined by a characteristic speed in the grid given by s = dx/t, where dx is the distance from the initial discontinuity to the sampling point (x,t), and t is the simulation end time. This s for every point on the grid can be compared to the known present waves, as their speeds are known exactly. In this way, the relative position of the sampling point with respect to the waves on the grid is determined.
    1311=== Exact Riemann Solver ===
    15 I. Declarations
    16  1. Wl=()
    17  2. Wr=()
    18  3. tol =
    20 II. Main Program Body
    21  1. Call P* routine - find and record p*
    22  2. Call Identification routine - find types of waves present, record
    23  3. Call U*() - reads in vars and returns U*
    24  4. Call rho* - reads in vars and returns rho*
    25  2. Print to File - u*, rho*, p*
    27 III. Functions
    28  1. FL = ()
    29  2. FR = ()
    30  3. U* = ()
    31  4. rho*L = {}
    32  5. rho*R = {}
    34 IV. Subroutines
    35  1. Find p* using initial estimate
    36   a. type of approximation (1)-(5) for different options (on screen options)
    37   b. let p0=(approximation)
    38   c. Begin iterative process, that ends once | | < tol
    40  2. Determine types of waves present
    41   a. comparing p* to pL and pR
    42   b. series of if statements corresponding to flow chart
    43   c. left_wave = 1 for shock, 2 for rarefaction
     12PROGRAM ExactRiemannSolver
     14  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     15  ! This program finds the solution of p*, u*, and rho*_L and rho*_R given initial data states wL
     16  ! and wR of the Riemann problem
     17  ! Author: Erica Kaminski, 12.17.12
     18  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     22  REAL :: DomLen, TimeOut, DisPos
     23  INTEGER :: cells, i
     24  REAL :: rho_L, p_L, u_L                                             !Left data vars               
     25  REAL :: rho_R, p_R, u_R                                             !Right data vars
     26  REAL, dimension(3) :: wL                                            !Left data state
     27  REAL, dimension(3) :: wR                                            !Right data state
     28  REAL :: Cs_L, Cs_R                                                  !Sound speed Left and Right states
     29  REAL, PARAMETER :: gamma = 1.4                                      ! Ratio specific heats
     30  REAL :: p_Star, u_Star                                              ! Output of program
     31  REAL :: mpa                                                         ! Normalization constant for P
     32  REAL :: u_diff, dx, xpos, s
     33  REAL :: rhos, us, ps
     35  NAMELIST /InitialData/ DomLen, TimeOut, DisPos, cells, rho_L, p_L, u_L, rho_R, p_R, u_R, mpa
     37  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     38  ! Main body of program here
     39  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     42  OPEN(UNIT = 3, File = "", status = 'old')              !Initialize data
     43  READ(3, NML = InitialData) 
     44  CLOSE(3)
     46  wL = (/rho_L, p_L, u_L/)                                           !Populate w arrays
     47  wR = (/rho_R, p_R, u_R/)
     49  Cs_L = Sqrt(Gamma*p_L/rho_L)
     50  Cs_R = Sqrt(Gamma*p_R/rho_R)
     52  U_DIFF = u_R - u_L
     56  IF (2.0*Cs_L/(gamma-1.0) + 2.0*Cs_R/(gamma-1.0).LE.U_DIFF) THEN
     61     PRINT *, 'PROGRAM STOPPED'
     62     STOP
     64  END IF
     66  CALL Find_Pstar(p_Star, u_Star)
     67  !check that p_Star = p from subprpgram with a print statement - I did, it does
     69  OPEN(UNIT=2, FILE='exact.out', STATUS='OLD', POSITION='APPEND')
     71  dx = DomLen/REAL(cells)
     72  WRITE(2,*)'xpos     rho     u     P     iE'
     73  DO 10 i = 1, cells
     74     xpos = dx*(REAL(i)-0.5) !cell-centered
     75     s = (xpos - DisPos)/TimeOut !characteristic speed
     76     CALL SampleExact(p_Star, u_Star, s, rhos, us, ps)
     77     WRITE(2, 20)xpos, rhos, us, ps/mpa, ps/rhos/(gamma-1.0)/mpa !the last may be internal energy...?   
     7810   Continue
     80     CLOSE(2)
     8220   FORMAT(5(F14.6,2X))
     86   CONTAINS
     88     SUBROUTINE SampleExact(p_Star, u_Star, s, rhos, us, ps)
     89       REAL,INTENT(IN) :: p_Star, u_Star, s
     90       REAL,INTENT(OUT) ::rhos, us, ps   !sampled density, velocity, pressure at point (x,t)
     91       REAL :: SHL, STL !Speed of left rarefaction head and tail
     92       REAL :: SHR, STR !Speed of right rarefaction head and tail
     93       REAL :: CsL_Star, CsR_Star !Sound speed behind left and right rarefactions
     94       REAL :: SL, SR   !Left and right shock speeds
     95       REAL :: G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, ppl, ppr
     97       CsL_Star = Cs_L*(p_Star/p_L)**(G3/G2)
     98       CsR_Star = Cs_R*(p_Star/p_R)**(G3/G2)
     100       G1 = gamma + 1.0
     101       G2 = 2.0*gamma
     102       G3 = gamma - 1.0
     103       ppl = p_Star/p_L
     104       ppr = p_Star/p_R
     105       G4 = G3/G1
     106       G5 = G1/G2
     107       G6 = G3/G2
     109       IF(s.LE.u_Star)THEN
     110          ! (x,t) is to the left of contact
     111          IF(p_L.GE.p_Star)THEN
     112             !Left wave is a rarefaction, based on initial data
     113             !3 possible left data states then - WL, WL_Fan, W_Star - next we determine which
     114!             PRINT*,'IT"S A RAREFACTION'
     116             !Are these negative quantities:?
     117             SHL = u_L - Cs_L
     118             STL = u_Star - CsL_Star
     120             IF(S.LE.SHL)THEN
     121!                PRINT *, 'LEFT DATA STATE'
     122                !Left data state
     123                rhos = rho_L
     124                us = u_L
     125                ps = p_L
     126             ELSE
     128                !                IF((SHL.GE.S).AND.(S.LE.STL))THEN
     129                IF((SHL.LE.S).AND.(S.LE.STL)) THEN
     130!                   PRINT*, 'iNSIDE RARE WAVE'
     131                   !Inside rarefaction fan
     132                   rhos = rho_L*(2/G1 + G3/(G1*Cs_L)*(u_L - s))**(2/G3)
     133                   us = 2/G1*(Cs_L + (G3/2)*u_L + s)
     134                   ps = p_L*( 2/G1 + G3/(G1*Cs_L)*(u_L - s) )**(G2/G3)
     135                ELSE
     136                   !In left star region
     137!                   PRINT *, 'IN STAR REGION'
     138                   rhos = rho_L*ppl**(1.0/gamma) !follows from isentropic law
     139                   us = u_Star
     140                   ps = p_Star
     141                END IF
     143             END IF
     145          ELSE
     146             !Left wave is a shock
     147             !Two states possible - pre-shock, post-shock
     148!             PRINT*,'IT"S A SHOCK !  ! !'
     149             SL = (u_L - Cs_L)*SQRT(G1/G2*ppl + G3/G2)
     150             IF(s.LE.SL)THEN
     151                !Data state is left state/pre-shock
     152                rhos = rho_L
     153                us = u_L
     154                ps = p_L
     155             ELSE
     156                !Data state is post-shock
     157                rhos = rho_L*((ppl + G3/G1)/((G3/G1)*ppl + 1.0))
     158                us = u_Star
     159                ps = p_Star
     160             END IF
     161          END IF
     163       ELSE
     165          !(x,t) is on right of contact
     166          IF(p_Star.LE.p_R)THEN
     167             !Rarefaction, and 3 wave states possible: wR, WRFan, W*R
     168             SHR = Cs_R + u_R
     169             STR = CsR_Star + u_Star
     170             IF(S.LE.STR)THEN
     171                !In r star region
     172                rhos = rho_R*ppr**(1.0/gamma) !follows from isentropic law -- CHECK?
     173                us = u_Star
     174                ps = p_Star
     175             ELSE
     176                IF((STR.LE.S).AND.(S.LE.SHR))THEN
     177                   !Inside right rarefaction fan
     178                   rhos = rho_R*(2/G1 - G3/(G1*Cs_R)*(u_R - s))**(2/G3)
     179                   us = 2/G1*(-Cs_R + (G3/2)*u_R + s)
     180                   ps = p_R*( 2/G1 - G3/(G1*Cs_R)*(u_R - s) )**(G2/G3)
     181                   !Check these expressions
     182                ELSE
     183                   !In right data state
     184                   rhos = rho_R
     185                   us = u_R
     186                   ps = p_R
     187                END IF
     188             END IF
     189          ELSE
     190             !Right wave is a shock
     191             SR = (u_R + Cs_R)*SQRT(G1/G2*ppr + G3/G2) 
     192             IF(s.LE.SR)THEN
     193                !In post-shock region
     194                rhos = rho_R*((ppr + G3/G1)/((G3/G1)*ppr + 1.0))
     195                us = u_Star
     196                ps = p_Star
     197             ELSE
     198                !In pre-shock region
     199                rhos = rho_R
     200                us = u_R
     201                ps = p_R
     202             END IF
     203          END IF
     204       END IF
     207     END SUBROUTINE SampleExact
     210     SUBROUTINE Find_Pstar(p, u)
     211       !Does mpa NEED to be read into this subroutine, if it is already initialized in main body of program?
     212       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     213       ! Implements Newton's iterative method to solve for p_star
     214       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     215       REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: p, u
     216       REAL :: p0 ! Initial estimate of P_star
     217       REAL, PARAMETER :: tol = 0.0000001
     218       REAL :: change ! Relative change in pressure due to iteration
     219       REAL :: pOld, pNew! Cs_L, Cs_R, rho_L, rho_R, p_L, p_R, u_L, u_R -- these should be all accessible as they are global vars
     220       INTEGER :: i, NmrItr
     221       REAL :: f_p, f_pD, FL, FLD, FR, FRD ! pressure function in Toro
     222       REAL :: Delta
     223       NAMELIST /Itr/ NmrItr
     225       !statement labels are not global:
     226       OPEN(UNIT = 3, FILE = '')
     227       READ(3, NML = Itr)
     228       CLOSE(3)
     231       !Get estimate for P_star
     232       CALL P_estimate(p0)
     235       pOld = p0  ! Initialize pOld
     237       !Check that the vars are global:
     238!       PRINT *, 'u_L, p_L, rho_L, cs_L =', u_L, p_L, rho_L, cs_L
     240       OPEN(UNIT = 2, FILE = 'exact.out', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN')
     241       WRITE(2,*) '--------------------------------------------------------------------------'
     242       WRITE(2,*) '         Iteration number                      Change                     '
     243       WRITE(2,*) '--------------------------------------------------------------------------'
     245       !Need define Cs_L here too or main program enough?
     246       DO 10 i = 1,NmrItr
     247          CALL PressFunct(FL, FLD, pOld, rho_L, p_L, Cs_L)
     248          CALL PressFunct(FR, FRD, pOld, rho_R, p_R, Cs_R)
     249          f_p = FL + FR + U_diff
     250          f_pD = FLD + FRD
     251          Delta = f_p/f_pD
     252          pNew = pOld - Delta ! This is corrected p.
     253          change = 2.0*ABS((pNew - pOld)/(pNew + pOld))
     254          WRITE(2,*) i, change
     255          IF (change.LE.tol) GOTO 20
     256          IF (pNew.LT.0.0) pNew = tol
     257          pOld = pNew
     25810        Continue
     260          WRITE(2,*) 'Newton Rhapson Method Diverged!'
     26220        WRITE(2,*) 'Pressure in Star Region and U in star region'
     263          p = pNew/MPA
     264          u = (1.0/2.0)*(u_L + u_R) + (1.0/2.0)*(fR - fL)
     265          WRITE(2,*) 'p_Star = ', p
     266          WRITE(2,*) 'u_Star = ', u
     268          CLOSE(2)
     270        END SUBROUTINE Find_Pstar
     272        SUBROUTINE P_estimate(pEst)
     273          !Employs the subroutine from Toro for estimating initial P_star
     275          REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: pEst
     276          REAL :: G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8
     277          REAL :: CUP, GEL, GER, pMax, pMin, PPV, PQ, PTL, PTR, QMAX, QUSER, UM
     279          G1 = (gamma - 1.0)/(2.0*gamma)
     280          G2 = (gamma + 1.0)/(2.0*gamma)
     281          G3 = 2.0*gamma/(gamma - 1.0)
     282          G4 = 2.0/(gamma - 1.0)
     283          G5 = 2.0/(gamma + 1.0)
     284          G6 = (gamma - 1.0)/(gamma + 1.0)
     285          G7 = (gamma - 1.0)/2.0
     286          G8 = (gamma - 1.0)
     288          QUSER = 2.0
     290          ! Guess P using the PVRS solver
     292          CUP = 0.25*(rho_L + rho_R)*(Cs_L + Cs_R)
     293          PPV = 0.5*(p_L + p_R) + 0.5*(u_L - u_R)*CUP
     294          PPV = MAX(0.0, PPV)
     295          PMIN = MIN(p_L, p_R)
     296          PMAX = MAX(p_L, p_R)
     297          QMAX = PMAX/PMIN
     300             !SELECT PVRS SOLVER
     301             pEst = PPV
     303          ELSE
     305             IF(PPV.LT.PMIN) THEN
     306                !SELECT 2-RAREFACTION RS
     307                PQ = (p_L/p_R)**G1
     308                UM = (PQ*u_L/Cs_L + u_R/Cs_R + G4*(PQ - 1.0))/(PQ/Cs_L + 1.0/Cs_R)
     309                PTL = 1.0 + G7*(u_L - UM)/Cs_L
     310                PTR = 1.0 + G7*(UM - u_R)/Cs_R
     311                pEst = 0.5*(p_L*PTL**G3 + p_R*PTR**G3)
     313             ELSE
     314                !Select the 2-shock RS with PVRS as estimate
     316                GEL = SQRT((G5/rho_L)/(G6*p_L + PPV))
     317                GER = SQRT((G5/rho_R)/(G6*p_R + PPV))
     318                pEst = (GEL*p_L + GER*p_R - (u_R - u_L))/(GEL + GER)
     320             END IF
     322          END IF
     325        END SUBROUTINE P_estimate
     327        SUBROUTINE PressFunct(f, fD, pItr, rho, p, Cs)
     330          REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: f, fd ! Pressure function and its derivative in Toro
     331          REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pItr  ! Pressure correction as computed by Find_Pstar
     332          REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rho, p, Cs !Initial data
     333          REAL :: A, B  ! Constants in pressure function
     336          A =  2.0/((gamma+1.0)*rho)
     337          B =  ((gamma-1.0)/(gamma+1.0))*p
     340          IF(pItr.LT.p)THEN !Rarefaction wave
     342             f = (2.0*Cs/(gamma - 1.0))*((pItr/p)**((gamma-1.0)/(2.0*gamma)) - 1.0) 
     343             fd = (1.0/(rho*Cs))*(pItr/p)**(-(gamma+1)/(2*gamma))
     345          ELSE
     347             !Shock
     348             f = (pItr - p)*SQRT(A/(pItr+B))
     349             fd = Sqrt(A /(B + pItr))*(1 - (pItr - p)/(2*(B+pItr)))
     351          END IF
     353        END SUBROUTINE PressFunct
     355      END PROGRAM ExactRiemannSolver
    45358=== Results ===