Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of u/erica/GudonovMethod

02/13/13 15:18:02 (12 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/erica/GudonovMethod

    v15 v16  
    33This program is for solving the Inviscid Burger's equation, a non-linear PDE in x, using the Godunov method.
    5 1. Program reads in variables such as: domlen, tfinal, cflcoeff (used for calc timestep give max speed on grid), mx, test (type of initial condition), maxitr (how many iterations should code do to try and advance solution to tfinal?), nfreq (controls how many time states should be output).
     51. Read in variables such as: domlen, tfinal, cflcoeff (used for calc timestep give max speed on grid), mx, test (type of initial condition), maxitr (how many iterations should code do to try and advance solution to tfinal?), nfreq (controls how many time states should be output).
    772. Initialize the 1-D grid. Pass in the number of cells to Init routine. Init initializes the large (>> number of cells for safety) arrays of u (an array of velocity for each cell) and flux to be 0. Init then checks which test is being used. If test 1 is being used, Init samples a Gaussian function centered on 0, on a domain from -1 to 1 to assign values to u. If test 2 is used, a step function is set up that is a function of the domlen. Next, the grid cells are labeled i =1, mx, so there are a total of mx cells on the grid. The ghost cells flank these cells and are labeled by i = 0 and i = mx+1. They are important so a flux can be calculated on both sides of the bounding cells.