Version 6 (modified by 12 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
The Jeans Instability
Linear perturbative analyis on the self-gravitating fluid equations under the assumption of infinite, constant (
), static background density ( ) results in the following 2nd order PDE in the density perturbation ( ):
is the sound speed.This is a wave equation, so we propose a solution of the form:
where the wave number k is given by
, with specifying the perturbation oscillation wave length, and is the angular frequency of oscillation given by . Plugging this into the wave equation above gives the following dispersion relation:
is real, and the density perturbation has the form:
which is oscillatory. Thus the density perturbation propagates through the medium as a sound wave, i.e. pressure gradients are strong enough to support the medium against self-gravitational collapse. On the other hand, when
we see that
is imaginary. This implies that there is an exponential growth or decay factor multiplying the oscillatory in the solution for . That is,
Taking the real part, we have:
Thus, the perturbation takes on a form that is oscillatory in x and exponential in time. To get the critical length scale (aka Jeans length) for the oscillations, we write the oscillatory condition
for k and solving for we have
That is, for wavelengths smaller than
, the perturbation is stable to collapse. You can think of this wavelength as length scales over which the average . The critical length is known as the Jeans length and is given by:
What we'd like to do now is determine, for which frequencies is the perturbation unstable (exponentially growing), and for what frequencies is the perturbation stable (exponentially decaying). In order to determine this we can rewrite
into a more intuitive form.