
Version 14 (modified by Erica Kaminski, 11 years ago) ( diff )

3D MHD Shear Flows

Diameter25 pc
Number density1 cm-3
Beta1, 10, Hydro
Cells per Jeans Length64
Time to shut off flows30 Myr
CoolingModified II curve (10K at 1000/cc)
Final time20 Myr
Resolution48 + 2
Box size50pc x 50pc x 50 pc in x,y,z respectively
Boundary conditions reflecting, and keep B-normal in x, open in y and z

Orientation of Collision Interface

Shear15 Shear30 Shear60

Column Density Maps

'Down the Barrel' Normal in Y Normal in Z
movie movie movie

Attachments (40)

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