29 | | '''More x-momentum due to kinking and shear flow and balance between pressure and radial expansion.'''[[br]] |
30 | | In this picture, the radial expansion of the flow drags the field lines out of the collision region. Depending on which side of the interface you are on, this is either enhanced by the shear, or partially cancelled out. Figure of close up. On the side where the field remains relatively straight, gas doesn't get deflected as strongly as on the other side, given the flow is tied to the field. (Here, could strengthen this argument by better understanding of the connection between field, velocity, in MHD shocks). This leads to more net x momentum on one side of the interface then the other, and thus, torque. A figure shows this to be the case. However, whether this picture for why the momentum gets amplified on one side of the interface is correct, is still unclear. |
| 29 | '''More x-momentum due to kinking and shear flow and balance between pressure and radial expansion.'''[[br]] |
| 30 | In this picture, the radial expansion of the flow drags the field lines out of the collision region. Depending on which side of the interface you are on, this is either enhanced by the shear, or partially cancelled out. Figure of close up. On the side where the field remains relatively straight, gas doesn't get deflected as strongly as on the other side, given the flow is tied to the field. (Here, could strengthen this argument by better understanding of the connection between field, velocity, in MHD shocks). This leads to more net x momentum on one side of the interface then the other, and thus, torque. A figure shows this to be the case. However, whether this picture for why the momentum gets amplified on one side of the interface is correct, is still unclear. |
33 | | '''The radial expansion of gas away from the collision region.'''[[br]] |
34 | | The infinite case teaches us that the velocity goes to zero in the center of the collision region in the MHD case. However, when there is a pressure gradient between the collision region and the surrounding ambient gas, we see a strong outward (relative to the center of the collision region) velocity field arise. That there is now an up/down (relative to the cylindrical axis of the flows) velocity field within the collision region, sends gas upward and downward, thus effectively straightening out the collision region. In the hydro case, this is not the case, as there the velocity field is the usual sheared flow field. (Which, by the way, uh-oh for our runs declaring to study a 'shear' effect). Thus, we do not see a realignment of the interface in the hydro case. In visit, drawing a line along the original collision angle shows supports that the interface realligns in the MHD case, but not in the hydro case. |
| 33 | '''The radial expansion of gas away from the collision region.'''[[br]] |
| 34 | The infinite case teaches us that the velocity goes to zero in the center of the collision region in the MHD case. However, when there is a pressure gradient between the collision region and the surrounding ambient gas, we see a strong outward (relative to the center of the collision region) velocity field arise. That there is now an up/down (relative to the cylindrical axis of the flows) velocity field within the collision region, sends gas upward and downward, thus effectively straightening out the collision region. In the hydro case, this is not the case, as there the velocity field is the usual sheared flow field. (Which, by the way, uh-oh for our runs declaring to study a 'shear' effect). Thus, we do not see a realignment of the interface in the hydro case. In visit, drawing a line along the original collision angle shows supports that the interface realligns in the MHD case, but not in the hydro case. |