| 77 | 2. Boundary evolution - this step 'evolves' the left and right values of u (ul and ur). It is these values of ul and ur that are used in the Riemann problem outlined in step 1. The formulas used to evolve each boundary extrapolated value are: |
| 78 | |
| 79 | [[latex($ \bar{u}_i^l = u_i^l + \frac{\triangle t}{2 \triangle x} [f(u_i ^l) - f(u_i^r)]$)]] |
| 80 | |
| 81 | [[latex($ \bar{u}_i^r = u_i^r + \frac{\triangle t}{2 \triangle x} [f(u_i ^l) - f(u_i^r)]$)]] |
| 82 | |
| 83 | A schematic of the situation is depicted here for reference: |
| 84 | |
| 85 | [[Image(evolve.png, 35%)]] |
| 86 | |
| 87 | 3. |
| 88 | |
| 89 | |
| 90 | |