Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of u/erica/PoissonSolver

08/20/13 10:40:31 (11 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/erica/PoissonSolver

    v33 v34  
    2929The solutions to both Poisson's and Laplace's equations satisfy the Uniqueness theorem (see Griffith's E&M textbook). That is, if the solution satisfies the aforementioned 2 conditions, it is the ''unique'' solution to the equation.
    31 As is, Poisson's equation is set up to solve for f (be it charge density, or matter density, etc.) given some potential (e.g. electrical or gravitational, etc.). However, in most situations we have the opposite information about a system -- given the density, we seek the potential. This requires some numerical techniques for solving this 2nd order differential equation, especially for those systems that do not admit closed-form solutions.
     31As is, Poisson's equation is set up to solve for f (be it charge density, or matter density, etc.) given some u (e.g. potential- either electrical or gravitational, etc.). However, in most situations we have the opposite information about a system -- given the density, we seek the potential. This requires some numerical techniques for solving this 2nd order differential equation, especially for those systems that do not admit closed-form solutions.
    3333= Equation Discretization =
    8888= Poisson Equation Physical Meaning =
    90 While the interpretation of Laplace's equation and the harmonic functions are nice, the same does not seem to apply for the more general Poisson's equation. Instead, the solutions to Poisson's equation are called Green's functions, and they are stitched together out of the solutions to the homogenous part of the PDE (namely, Laplace's equation. Here are some references:
     90While the interpretation of Laplace's equation and the harmonic functions are nice, the same does not seem to apply for the more general Poisson's equation. Instead, the solutions to Poisson's equation are called Green's functions, and they are stitched together out of the solutions to the homogenous part of the PDE (namely, Laplace's equation). Here are some references:
     92[ constructing Green's functions]
     94[ related to Poisson's equation]
    9296= Boundary Conditions =
    117121This also has a closed-form solution which I then used to check the code. It performed correctly.
    119 Here is the initial condition:
     123Here is the forcing function:
    121125[[Image(simpleInit.png, 40%)]]
    131135Lastly, I used a more complicated forcing function (refer to the reference). It also performed well.
    133 Here is the initial condition:
     137Here is the forcing function:
    135139[[Image(complexInit.png, 40%)]]
    139143[[Image(complexFinal.png, 40%)]]
    141 Attached to this page is the .out file for my program which shows the number of iterations until convergence for the different mesh sizes, and the max error of the final iteration.
     145'''Attached to this page is the .out file''' for my program which shows the number of iterations until convergence for the different mesh sizes, and the max error of the final iteration.
    151155= References =
     157Here are some of my electronic references:
     159- [ Order of accuracy]
     161- [ Green's functions and Poisson's equation]
     163- [ Constructing Green's functions]
     165- [ Exercises I followed for my Poisson solver]
     168- [ Poisson solver info]
     170- [ more PS info]
     172- [ more PS info]
     174- [ more PS info]
     176(The .pdf's are also attached to this page, in case they get taken down)
     178As far as books, I referenced:
     180- Numerical Recipes in Fortran - chapter 19 on PDE's
     182- Leveque's Finite Differences