Changes between Version 100 and Version 101 of u/erica/RoeSolver
- Timestamp:
- 05/31/13 14:50:53 (12 years ago)
- Unmodified
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- Modified
v100 v101 152 152 for a left sonic rarefaction. For a right sonic rarefaction, the coefficients are slightly adjusted. Note that the entropy fix requires estimates for the velocity and sound speed of the star region, ustar and astarL. We get estimates of these using the Roe approach for linearizing the Euler equations. They are listed in Toro, section 11.4.3. 153 153 154 Here is a screen shot of my code: 154 155 155 [[Image(Roe1.png, 50%)]]156 [[Image(Roe2.png, 50%)]]157 [[Image(Roe3.png, 50%)]]158 156 157 [[Image(Roe1.png, 100%)]] 158 [[Image(Roe2.png, 100%)]] 159 [[Image(Roe3.png, 100%)]] 160 161 and corresponding files, modules, etc., are here: [ Exact Riemann Solver -module], [ Roe Solver - main program], file]. To compile, simply type '''''gfortran solver.f90 God_Roe.f90 -o program'''''. 159 162 160 163 161 164 = Results, Entropy Fix Code = 162 165 163 166 The code works correctly. Here are the 4 tests in Toro verifying this. 164 167 165 168 == Test 1 - Sod Test == … … 171 174 == Test 2 == 172 175 173 Fails with the Roe Solver.176 The Roe solver fails with low density flows such as that generated in this test. This is the major short coming of the Roe Solver, that is not present for the other approximation methods we have studied such as PVRS models. 174 177 175 178 == Test 3 == … … 192 195 [[Image(RoeUTest5.png, 35%)]] 193 196 [[Image(RoePTest5.png, 35%)]] 194 195 = Discussion =196 197 198