27 | | That is, the cross product of the particle's post-accretion com and velocity. Given this may be a slight over (or under) shoot of the updated angular momentum, due to the fact that the particle may have lost (or gained) some angular momentum over the accretion time step, we create a new vector to absorb this difference, the 'spin' vector (S). We want the total angular momentum (L+S) to maintain conservation over the accretion time step. That is, we want: |
| 27 | That is, the cross product of the particle's post-accretion com and velocity. Given this may be a slight over (or under) shoot of the actual post-accretion angular momentum, due to the fact that the particle may have lost (or gained) some angular momentum over the accretion time step, we create a new vector to absorb this difference, the 'spin' vector (S). We want the total angular momentum (L+S) to maintain conservation over the accretion time step. That is, we want: |