
Version 9 (modified by Erica Kaminski, 9 years ago) ( diff )

Clump temp 10 K
Clump rho 2.03e-16 g/cm3
Sound speed in clump .27 km/s in clump
Clump crossing time 33,000 years
Free fall time 9,000 years
Jeans Length .002 pc
Clump radius .009 pc
Box radius .05 pc
EOS ideal/adiabatic
Hydro BCs extrap
Poisson BCs multipole
Rad BCs (where applicable) extrap
Gamma 1.00001

Run 1 - Non-radiating, 2D, constant temperature clump/ambient

temp_ambient 10 K
rho_ambient .1 rho_clump
ambient crossing time 150 ky

Something strange is happening with phi. The dipole term isn't supported in 2D for the multipole expansion BC's, but would expect a symmetrical distirbution such as this would be good to go, given it should only have a monopole term… Here is a movie of phi.

Here are where the sinks are forming:

The initial sink:


and final zoomed out:

Here is rho final, zoomed out:

Run 2 - Radiating, 2D, constant temperature clump/ambient

temp_ambient 10 K
rho_ambient .1 rho_clump
ambient crossing time 150 ky

Phi looks better???

No image "phi_radiation.gif" attached to u/erica/scratch7

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