20 | | First, let's consider ke(r) > GM/r. This corresponds to the upper plot. In this plot, the accretion energy (per unit mass) for a freely falling particle from infinity, GM/R, is normalized to 1 and lies exactly on top of the x-axis. This plot shows that particles falling in from r with ke(r) > GM/r, would produce stronger accretion energy than those which would have fallen in from freefall alone. As the speed increases, they would produce greater and greater accretion energies. I am next going to solve the following equations for r given various ke(r)>GM/r at the .01% error level and the 30% level, |
| 20 | First, let's consider ke(r) > GM/r. This corresponds to the upper plot. In this plot, the accretion energy (per unit mass) for a freely falling particle from infinity, GM/R, is normalized to 1 and lies exactly on top of the x-axis. This plot shows that particles falling in from r with ke(r) > GM/r, would produce stronger accretion energy than those which would have fallen in from freefall alone. As the speed increases, they would produce greater and greater accretion energies. I am next going to solve the following equations for r given various ke(r)>GM/r at the .01% error level and the 30% error level, |