Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of u/johannjc/injection

06/07/18 12:42:40 (7 years ago)


  • u/johannjc/injection

    v5 v6  
    88First, let's consider a simpler example.  Let's assume we want to inject a certain amount of mass  $M_0$ around a point $\vec{X}$ (in 2D) with a kernel given by
    10 $\delta m = M K(x)$
     10$m_i = M K( |\vec{x}_i-\vec{X} |)$
    1212where our normalized kernel
    14 $K(x) = \frac{\exp(-r^2)}{\pi(1-1/e)}$ for $r < 1$.
     14$K(r) = \frac{\exp(-r^2)}{\pi(1-1/e)}$ for $r < 1$.
    1616Here $r$ is the distance from a sink particle.
    2222Note the center of mass of the injected material is not .05,.05 and the injected mass is not 1.0.  This is because of discretization error.
    24 We would like to find a solution for $\delta m_i$ that is close to this, but subject to the constraints involving the center of mass and the total mass injected.  If we consider each zone inside the kernel, we can write the matrix equation
     24We would like to find a solution for $m_i$ that is close to this, but subject to the constraints involving the center of mass and the total mass injected.
     27$\sum m_i=M$
     29$\sum m_i \vec{x_i} = M \vec{X}$
     32If we consider each zone inside the kernel, we can write the constraints as the following matrix equation
    2836 \[
    2937 \left[\begin{array}{rrrrr}
    30   x_1 & x_2 & x_3 & ... & x_n  \\
    31    y_1 & y_2 & y_3 & ... & y_n  \\
    3238   1 & 1 & 1 & ... & 1  \\
     39  x_{1,1} & x_{2,1} & x_{3,1} & ... & x_{n,1}  \\
     40   x_{1,2} & x_{2,2} & x_{3,2} & ... & x_{n,2}  \\
    3341   \end{array} \right]
    3442 \left[\begin{array}{r}
    35   \delta m_1  \\
    36   \delta m_2  \\
    37   \delta m_3  \\
     43  m_1  \\
     44  m_2  \\
     45  m_3  \\
    3846  ...  \\
    39   \delta m_n  \\
     47  m_n  \\
    4048   \end{array} \right]=
    4149 \left[\begin{array}{r}
    42   MX_0  \\
    43   MY_0  \\
    4450  M  \\
     51  MX_1  \\
     52  MX_2  \\
    4554   \end{array} \right]
    5261[[Image(Screen Shot 2017-12-15 at 3.07.00 PM.png​)]]
    54 While this solves our constraints - it looks nothing like our desired profile.  What we would like to do is to solve $Ax=b$, in a way that does not minimize $||x||$, but that minimizes $||x-d||$ where $d$ is our vector of initial $\delta_m$ given by our kernel.
     63While this solves our constraints - it looks nothing like our desired profile.  What we would like to do is to solve $Ax=b$, in a way that does not minimize $||x||$, but that minimizes $||x-d||$ where $d$ is our vector of initial $m_i$ given by our kernel.
    5665We can do this using Matlab's lsqlin function - or we can use the prescription given in (page 8-13 through 8-15)
    64 Now for the more complicated case, we have $\delta m_i, v_i$, but the matrix would contain two blocks - so we can solve the problem in two steps.  First we can solve for $\delta m_i$, and then use that solution to construct the matrix equation for $v_i$
     73Now for the more complicated case, we have terms in involving momentum, and we could simultaneously solve for $m_i$ and $\vec{p}_i$, though it is probably more important to have $v_i$ be close to the desired values.  Errors in $m_i$ and $p_i$ could lead to unphysical velocities.  We cannot solve for $v_i$ and $m_i$ at the same time, since there are non-linear terms that involve the product of $m_i$ and $v_i$.
     75However, if we separate out the solution for $m_i$ using the constraints on total mass and mass moment, we can treat those as constants when solving for $v_i$.  This then gives us the matrix equation
    7182  0 & ... & 0 & m_1 & ... & m_n & 0 & ... & 0 \\
    7283  0 & ... & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 & m_1 & ... & m_n  \\
     84  m_1 \hat{x}_1& ... & m_n \hat{x}_n & 0 & ... & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 \\
     85  0 & ... & 0 & m_1\hat{y}_1 & ... & m_n\hat{y}_n & 0 & ... & 0 \\
     86  0 & ... & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 & m_1\hat{z}_1 & ... & m_n\hat{z}_n  \\
    7387   0 & ... & 0  & m_1z_1 & ... & m_nz_n &  -m_1y_1 & ... & -m_ny_n\\
    7488  -m_1z_1 & ... & -m_nz_n &  0 & ... & 0 & m_1x_1 & ... & m_nx_n \\
    7589m_1y_1 & ... & m_ny_n &  -m_1x_1 & ... & -m_nx_n &0 & ... & 0  \\ 
    76   m_1 \hat{x}_1& ... & m_n \hat{x}_n & 0 & ... & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 \\
    77   0 & ... & 0 & m_1\hat{y}_1 & ... & m_n\hat{y}_n & 0 & ... & 0 \\
    78   0 & ... & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 & m_1\hat{z}_1 & ... & m_n\hat{z}_n  \\
    7990   \end{array} \right]
    98109  0  \\
    99110  0  \\
     111  P_x \\
     112  P_y \\
     113  P_z \\
    100114  J_x  \\
    101115  J_y  \\
    102116  J_z  \\
    103   P_x \\
    104   P_y \\
    105   P_z \\
    106117   \end{array} \right]
    110121where $\hat{x}_i = \frac{x_i}{|x_i|}$
     125== Taking into account particle motion and orientation ==
     126If we are explicit about our constraints, we have
     129Change in mass of particle
     131$\displaystyle \sum_i m_i = M$
     134Change in mass moment of particle
     136$\displaystyle\sum_i m_i x_{i,j} = M X_j$
     138Change in momentum of particle (due to loss of mass)
     140$\displaystyle\sum_i m_i v_{i,j} = M V_j$
     142Change in internal angular momentum of particle
     144$\displaystyle\sum_{i,k,l} m_i \epsilon_{j,k,l} x_{i,k} v_{i,l} = J_j$
     146Amount of outward momentum in jet
     148$\displaystyle \sum_{i,j} m_i \left ( v_{i,j} - V_j \right ) \frac{x_{i,j}-X_j}{| \vec{x}_{i}-\vec{X} |} = P$
     150which can be reduced to
     152$\displaystyle \sum_{i,j} m_i \frac{x_{i,j}-X_j}{| \vec{x}_{i}-\vec{X} |}v_{i,j}  = P+\sum_{i,j} m_i V_j  \frac{x_{i,j}-X_j}{| \vec{x}_{i}-\vec{X} |}$
     155An alternative approach is to try to match the amount of outward momentum in the jet for each direction independently.
     158$\displaystyle \sum_{i} m_i \left ( v_{i,j} - V_j \right ) \frac{x_{i,j}-X_j}{\left | x_{i,j}-X_j \right |} = P_j$
     161$\displaystyle \sum_{i} m_i v_{i,j} \frac{x_{i,j}-X_j}{\left | x_{i,j}-X_j \right |} = P_j+\displaystyle \sum_{i} m_i V_{j} \frac{x_{i,j}-X_j}{\left | x_{i,j}-X_j \right |}$