
Version 9 (modified by adebrech, 8 years ago) ( diff )


Cross section

The equations for calculating the optical depth in physical units look like

And in computational units

Dividing the first equation by the second gives

where and are the number density and length scales in the code.

This gives

Ionizing Flux

The equation for calculating the ionization rate in physical units is

and in computational units

Dividing the first equation by the second, gives

which gives

Recombination Rate

The equation for recombination in physical units is

and in computational units

Dividing the two and solving for gives

Ionization Heating

The equation in physical units is

and in computational units

Dividing the two and solving for gives

Recombination Cooling

In physical units we have

and in computational units we have

and dividing the two gives us

Lyman Alpha Cooling

In physical units we have

and in computational units we have

and dividing the two gives us

Test problem

2D version of Tripathi without atmosphere

embedded in a lower density pressure balanced ambient with a density ratio

Scales used:

Scale Value
TimeScale 86400 s
lScale 1.5x1010 cm
nScale 1 /cm3

Time parameters:

Parameter Value
Final time 1
Final frame 1000

These produce results as seen in the figure below.

For reference, calculations done in setting up grid:

Clump%radius=radius ! in CU already

With a cross section for photo-ionization of 6.3e-18 and our clump's column density of 9e18, we would expect the tau=1 surface to be 5% of the way in towards the clump center.

And with a flux of 2e13, we would expect photo-ionization of the column to take 5 days or so…

Time sliders in the following images are in units of hours.

Attachments (4)

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