
Version 9 (modified by Jonathan, 9 years ago) ( diff )

The anisotropic conduction equation looks like

however, the conduction coefficients have a Temperature dependence.

Let's first just consider the term.

We need a way to write this implicitly but we need it to also be linear in

We could Taylor expand

but then we would still have a non-linear term like

We could write this as and Taylor expand again to get

but we've now done a Taylor expansion on a Taylor expansion…

Alternatively, we can rewrite the diffusion equation

and then perform a single Taylor expansion

Switching to Einstein notation, we have

Let's also take a moment to write where is the new temperature, and . Backward Euler would have and where Crank-Nicholson would have

Now if we write the equation as

we get expressions for

We then need expressions for

We can also write the equation as


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