
Version 4 (modified by keirajb, 11 years ago) ( diff )


List of Changes Made to the PN Library


  • A velocity vector plot has been made for the run with a jet with a velocity of 100 km/s. The vectors do not appear symmetric about the x=0 axis. An image can be found ​here. I am currently trying to find a reason for this lack of symmetry.
  • Images have been added for the jet with a velocity of 200 km/s of the thermal pressure and for a jet with a velocity of 300 km/s of density and thermal pressure. Movie for each of these are currently being created.


  • Zoomed-in images for the first jet, as well as a density movie for a jet with a speed of 200 km/s have been added. A thermal movie for the new jet will be posted next week.
  • Added a new run for a jet with a velocity of 200 km/s. All other parameters remain unchanged.

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