Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of u/lchamandy/2017-04-17
- Timestamp:
- 04/17/17 13:43:53 (8 years ago)
- Unmodified
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- Removed
- Modified
v11 v12 288 288 [ 2d density and velocity] 289 289 290 '''Comparison with (b) on left and (e) on right'''\\ 291 (i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\ 292 [ 2d density] 293 [ 2d density and velocity] 294 290 295 - Damping preserves the morphology better and helps the star to remain stable. This is consistent with results from the last blog post with different boundary conditions. 291 296 292 - Fixing the profile at the boundary actually improves stability slightly compared to fixing the profile outside a sphere. (Last plot.) 297 - Fixing the profile at the boundary actually improves stability slightly compared to fixing the profile outside a sphere. 298 299 - Reflecting BCs (e) gives almost identical results to holding profile fixed on boundaries (b). But with reflecting BCs the simulation is about 30% faster. 293 300 294 301 __Conclusions__:\\ 295 - The most successful model for keeping the star stable is III(b) above. Thus III(b) will now be treated as fiducial. 296 297 - From past experiments, we know that stability should improve with increased resolution and larger box size. This should allow larger values of $\tau$ to be imployed, as the current value of $1\times10^5$ is only about $0.2$ dynamical times, smaller than what is used by Ohlmann. 302 - The most successful model for keeping the star stable is III(e) above with constant ambient pressure and density. 298 303 299 304 '''IV) Large box (double box size and number of cells to $512^3$, so same physical resolution same)'''\\ … … 312 317 [ 1d density] 313 318 [ 1d pressure]\\ 314 DESCRIPTION: 319 DESCRIPTION: Develops slightly boxy morphology. 320 321 '''b) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, Velocity damping with $\tau=1\times10^5$s'''\\ 322 (i) Constant ambient pressure and density (Damp046)\\ 323 [ 2d density] 324 [ 2d density and velocity] 325 [ 2d pressure] 326 [ 1d density] 327 [ 1d pressure]\\ 328 DESCRIPTION: Develops slightly boxy morphology. 329 330 '''Comparison with (a) on left and (b) on right'''\\ 331 (i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\ 332 [ 2d density] 333 [ 2d density and velocity] 334 - The reflecting BCs case is slightly more stable compared to the extrapolated boundaries case. 315 335 316 336 '''V) AMR with large box'''\\ … … 322 342 __Results__:\\ 323 343 324 '''a) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, Velocity damping with $\tau=1\times10^5$s, $64^3$, maxlevel=4'''\\ 344 '''a) Extrapolating hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, Velocity damping with $\tau=1\times10^5$s, $64^3$, maxlevel=4'''\\ 345 (i) Constant ambient pressure and density (Damp047, 27 hrs on comet compute, 576 cores) --arrows scaled as in section II without damping\\ 346 [ 2d density] 347 [ 2d density and velocity]\\ 348 DESCRIPTION: More square-shaped and a few times larger velocities than in Sect IV above. 349 350 '''b) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, Velocity damping with $\tau=1\times10^5$s, $64^3$, maxlevel=4'''\\ 325 351 (i) Constant ambient pressure and density (Damp044) --arrows scaled as in section II without damping\\ 326 352 [ 2d density] 327 353 [ 2d density and velocity]\\ 328 DESCRIPTION: 329 330 ''' b) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, No velocity damping, $64^3$, maxlevel=4'''\\354 DESCRIPTION: More square-shaped and a few times larger velocities than in Sect IV above. 355 356 '''c) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, No velocity damping, $64^3$, maxlevel=4'''\\ 331 357 (ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm013)\\ 332 358 [ 2d density] 333 [ 2d density and velocity]\\ 334 DESCRIPTION: 359 [ 2d density (extended color bar)] 360 [ 2d density (extended color bar) and velocity]\\ 361 DESCRIPTION: flow becomes complex, unstable. Code crashed after ~1 dynamical time. 362 363 '''Comparison with (a) on left and (b) on right'''\\ 364 (i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\ 365 [ 2d density] 366 [ 2d density and velocity]