| 330 | '''c) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, No velocity damping'''\\ |
| 331 | (ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm013)\\ |
| 332 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/Graphics/RGB/Post-sink_particle/Post-modified_Lane_Emden/Atm013/rho2d_Atm013.gif 2d density] |
| 333 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/Graphics/RGB/Post-sink_particle/Post-modified_Lane_Emden/Atm013/rho2d_extended_Atm013.gif 2d density (extended color bar)] |
| 334 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/Graphics/RGB/Post-sink_particle/Post-modified_Lane_Emden/Atm013/rho2dv1e6_extended_Atm013.gif 2d density (extended color bar) and velocity]\\ |
| 335 | DESCRIPTION: flow becomes complex, unstable. Code crashed after ~1 dynamical time. |
| 336 | |
356 | | '''c) Reflecting hydro BCs, Multipole expansion Poisson BCs, No velocity damping, $64^3$, maxlevel=4'''\\ |
357 | | (ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere (Atm013)\\ |
358 | | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/Graphics/RGB/Post-sink_particle/Post-modified_Lane_Emden/Atm013/rho2d_Atm013.gif 2d density] |
359 | | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/Graphics/RGB/Post-sink_particle/Post-modified_Lane_Emden/Atm013/rho2d_extended_Atm013.gif 2d density (extended color bar)] |
360 | | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/Graphics/RGB/Post-sink_particle/Post-modified_Lane_Emden/Atm013/rho2dv1e6_extended_Atm013.gif 2d density (extended color bar) and velocity]\\ |
361 | | DESCRIPTION: flow becomes complex, unstable. Code crashed after ~1 dynamical time. |
362 | | |
363 | | '''Comparison with (a) on left and (b) on right'''\\ |
364 | | (i) Constant ambient pressure and density\\ |
365 | | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/Graphics/RGB/Post-sink_particle/Post-modified_Lane_Emden/rho2d_amr_fix_reflec.gif 2d density] |
366 | | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/Graphics/RGB/Post-sink_particle/Post-modified_Lane_Emden/rho2dv1e7_amr_fix_reflec.gif 2d density and velocity] |
| 363 | (ii) Isothermal hydrostatic atmosphere\\ |
| 364 | - Did not run with AMR due to memory problem (even after increasing from 2GB/cpu to 4GB/cpu on bluehive standard) |